“Bump’s in the way,” she grumbled as she tried to lie flat out on the bed and kept failing.

“Use that pregnancy pillow you bought.”

“To do what with?”

“Make a donut shape and rest your belly in the hole.”

Her brow puckered. “That’d work but would you be able to fuck me like that?”

Her blunt question had me smirking. “Anywhere, anyhow, I can fuck you.”


“Something is.”

She sniffed but hauled the pillow into a donut shape. As she did, I helped her down, asking, “That comfortable?”

“No, but it’ll be okay.” She grinned up at me. “Wait, it won’t be okay. I think I deserve a seventh honeymoon.”

“A seventh honeymoon this year? Greedy.”

Her eyes twinkled. “Only for you.”

My lips quirked up as I watched her grab more pillows to adjust her position.

As she wiggled around, I took great pleasure in taking note of the jiggle and asked, “You can’t fly anymore, can you?”

She groaned. “No. My blood pressure was high last time. The doctor said flying wouldn’t be wise right now.”

Bump and I had an arrangement she was in the dark about.

Her higher than normal blood pressure had been one of the reasons I’d used to stop her looking for storefronts over on Madison Avenue.

I wanted her nearby.

Close at hand.

I didn’t think she’d agree to having a store in this building, but I could try to convince her to be on this block.

Bump apparently agreed because he’d facilitated my plan.

She’d been told to rest up the week before graduation, and I hadn’t complained.

Neither had she in the end.

I’d kept her plenty busy.

“I’ll think of somewhere to take you.”

“Not camping, Eoghan,” she said around a groan.

“I learned my lesson the first time,” I said with a laugh.