The dog was barking when we made it home.

I grunted at him as he danced around Inessa’s feet, waiting for her to stroke him, to greet him how the beast wanted to be greeted.

Glowering at it as she squished him to her chest, I muttered, “He’s dirty.”

She glowered back at me. “Charlie isn’t dirty. I cleaned his feet earlier.”

I grimaced as she pressed a kiss to his nose. The dog belonged to Inessa’s younger sister, and we didnotget along. Man’s best friend? More like woman’s.

“I don’t understand why Victoria had to leave him here.”

Nessa rolled her eyes. “It’s for three weeks, Eoghan. Just while they’re in Paris. He owed her a damn honeymoon,” she grouched under her breath, her displeasure with her new brother-in-law as clear now as it had been on the day of the wedding itself. “Especially after that farce of a service. It made ours look festive.”

I snorted at that, received a disgusted glance for my pains, but she finally put the damn dog down.

As she stepped away, I grabbed the handkerchief from my pocket, squatted and handed the digit to the beast.

“Doesn’t get much fresher than that,” I told him.

“Since when do you give him treats?” Nessa called out as she waddled down the hall toward our room.

I loved that waddle.

She hated it.

I thought she looked sexy.

Sure, it was different than her usual catwalk stride, but now that I’d gotten on board with us having a kid, the changes it made in her body were fascinating.

As Charlie chowed down on Forrester’s finger, I smirked as he licked his chops before I followed her to our room.

Catching her just in time to see her wince and grimace as she slipped out of her heels, I drawled, “Want a foot rub or a spanking?”

“Don’t you dare say, ‘I told you so.’”

My smirk deepened. “Two options.”

She huffed. “Foot rub because my back’s hurting.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “You have to stop acting like you’re not pregnant.”

“Camille wore heels until she was eight months along—”

“If she walked off a cliff in them, would you follow her?”

“You’re itching for a fight tonight, aren’t you, mister?”

I laughed. “With you? Always.”

She’d stopped being the compliant wife years ago.

Thank fuck.