I was in a bad mood when I made it home.

When Inessa wasn’t there, my mood darkened even more so.

While the housekeeper had cleaned the place that morning, I grabbed the steamer and sterilized my bathroom and Inessa’s.

When that was done, I rearranged my books on the shelves in my office from alphabetical order into order by size. When that didn’t work, I put them back into alphabetical.

In the time it took me to accomplish those tasks, Inessa returned with a massive cake.

As she stepped through the elevator doors, humming happily, I eyed the cake box and her then drawled, “Is there a party going on that I wasn’t invited to?”

She jolted in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“Did I move out?”

Sniffing at my sarcasm, she hugged the box. “This is all mine.”

I smiled to myself. “Red velvet?”

“Maybe.” Nose in the air, she snootily stormed down the hallway and into the kitchen. When I followed her, she called out, “It’s all for me.”

“I heard you the first time.”

Her words indicated she thought I’d be somewhere else.


Eyes narrowed, I watched her make a cup of green tea, then, with a sigh, she settled at the counter, hooked her feet around the stool’s legs, then opened up the box.

“You can’t eat all that by yourself.”

“Is that a challenge?”

Her arched brow dared me to argue.

Fuck, this was why she was perfect for me.

We argued.

A lot.

I loved it.

“It could have been a challenge if you’d bought two, and then I’d have to spank you for carrying both here.”

“Ah, the spankings, yes. We need to address this. You, Mr. O’Donnelly, are a pussy tease.”

Rearing back at that, I gaped at her. “I amnot,” was my hotly contested reply.

“You are. You keep saying you’ll spank me, but you never do. Why is that, do you think?” she queried as she picked up a piece of cake that was pre-sliced and started to eat it.

The moan that whispered along the sound waves had my dick hardening.

“Pussy teases do not get their other halves off twice a day.”