When Aidan slapped me upside the head, he only got the drop on me because they tag-teamed me.

The bastards.

Simultaneously, Conor threw a remote at me, Declan tossed me a beer, and Brennan hollered, “Dipshit.”

I caught the remote, grabbed the beer, and turned to Brennan. That was when I realized Aidan was behind me and he didn’t just slap me, he grabbed my ear and tugged.


“You inherited Ma’s fingers,” I groused as I went to kick his leg out from under him then…

Shit. I scowled at the others. “You fucking pussies. You know I can’t risk him falling.”

Conor laughed. “That was my idea.”

Aidan’s knee replacement surgery meant he didn’t live with constant pain anymore, and while his limp wasn’t as pronounced and he didn’t need to use a cane, it was still a weakness we didn’t exploit, just in case.

“Limp-dicked jackass,” I growled at Conor.

“Limp-dicked? I don’t think so.” Conor smirked. “Anyway, you deserved the smack. What the fuck kind of bullshit was all that, ‘I’ll leave you if it’s good for you?’”

My eyes flared wide at his mocking tone. “You’re still listening in on our conversations?”

“Not always,” Conor defended. “This time it was accidental.”

“Accidental?” I squinted at him. “You just accidentally activated some malware on my phone? Did it trip into my cell?”

Conor sniffed. “Savvie confessed to Aidan and he asked me to check in with you.”

“Confessed?” I shook my head. “If you guys play dress up as priest and nun, I’m going to be sick.”

Aidan snorted. “She felt bad.” His grin was cocky. “She knows I like it when she’s bad.”

“Oh, Jesus,” Finn groaned. “I don’t need to hear about this again. You fuckers are lucky. You just get the cliff notes.”

Declan laughed. “Never envisioned you as a ‘kiss and tell’ kind of guy, Aidan.”

Our elder brother just smirked harder. “I never had much to kiss and tell about before.”

“My heart weeps for you,” Conor drawled.

Aidan’s grin didn’t die any, but in his eyes, I knew Conor’s words resonated.

We knew what he’d been through now, and what he’d done to survive. It still knocked the air out of us.

Brennan cleared his throat. “What’s with wanting to know how to dress Inessa, Eoghan? You going funny on us?”

Though I didn’t like being questioned, my lips quirked. “Funny? I think we bypassed that a long time ago.”

“Yeah, we did, and you’re going into the land of the cuckoos.”

“Fashion is art,” Declan rumbled. “Nothing wrong with appreciating the arts.”