“That doesn’t mean mouth safe.”

I grinned. “It’ll take more than that to poison me.”

“What? Cyanide?”

My grin deepened. “Exactly.”

She yawned but kept her legs spread, and she pulled a move that I didn’t anticipate.

The yawn was a bluff.

Her legs hooked around my hips, and her heels dug into my ass, drawing me forward.

Only good reflexes had me catching my weight on my hands which I placed on either side of her shoulders.

“There, that’s better,” she purred, her arms slipping around my waist as she hauled me closer.

I reached down and nipped the tip of her nose with my teeth. “Cheater.”

“I learned from the best,” she said sleepily. “I want to nap with your cock inside me.”

“That sounds like fun for you but not for me.”

Her snort had me hiding a laugh. “After we both come again. In that order.”

“Orgasm then nap?”

“Sounds like bliss to me.”

“I might have work.”

“You always have work,” she said with a sniff.

She had a point.

“You’d be better at whatever mobstery thing is on the day’s agenda if you had a nap with me, your beautiful, pregnant wife.”

My lips curved as I pressed them to hers. “I can hear violins.”

“I’m a virtuoso.”

“That you are. Do you think my dick will get so hard that it pushes through my zipper?”

“No, that’ll break it.”

“What? The zipper?”

“No, your dick,” she grumbled.

“Let me up then,” I teased, amused when she did so with a discontented huff.

Before I could do so much as reach between us, her hands were there. The zipper sailed down, and her fingers delved inside.

I sighed as she held me in her firm grip and grunted when she jacked me off a couple times before she moved her thumb over the tip, rubbing the pre-cum into the smooth flesh.

When she wriggled again, I watched as she brought my cock toward her slit and sighed once more as I gently thrust into her.

A groan escaped her as I slid all the way home, and her legs came back up to curve around my waist.