“He’s having an affair with his secretary.

“I’d have paid someone to take photos then would have given them to his wife.” She blew out a breath. “I know I’m a horrible person.”

It was close to a wail, which merely lengthened when I got off the stool and padded out of the kitchen.

“Eoghan! Where the hell are you going?” she sputtered, but I heard her feet padding behind me.

When I went to my office, I retrieved a folder from my desk, aware that she was following me because she was complaining, “Eoghan, if you didn’t want to know then you shouldn’t have damn well asked me!”

I turned around and handed her the folder to shut her up.

She blinked down at it then muttered, “What is it?”

“Mrs. Forrester will have gotten a delivery at the same time as you received your diploma.” I shot her a smile. “I liked the symmetry.”

Her brow furrowed as she opened the packet, then when she saw what she was looking at, she chuckled. “You got photos taken?”

“I did.”

A cackle escaped her as she leafed through the file, tilting it as she squinted at some parts then wrinkled her nose at others.

“Divorce is in the cards for the dean,” she said with glee. “I hope she skins him alive for alimony.”

My cock twitched at the bloodthirsty nature of her comment. “I’d prefer to keep you out of these things, Nessa.”

“Why?” She arched a brow at me again. “This is my problem you’re fixing. Why shouldn’t I get involved?”

“I promised you—”

“You promised me when I was eighteen, newly wed to a stranger, finding my path in a world of enemies. Am I that same woman?”

I eyed her bulging stomach. “No.”

“Am I finding my way amid enemies?”

“They’re family now.”

“Exactly. I badly needed that promise from you before, Eoghan. But I don’t need it now. Promises change.”

“Vows don’t.”

She smirked. “No, they don’t. For richer or poorer…”

“In sickness and in health.”

“Til death do us part,” we said together, smiling.

“Those vows don’t change, but others do,” she reiterated. “If you’re going to fix things for me, I want to be involved.”

“It’s dangerous.”

“I won’tdoit. But I can help plan.”

“Why would you want to?”

Her jaw worked a second as she stared down at the folder before she placed it carefully on the desk. “Forrester deserved this. I busted my ass to get the best grades in class, and I deserved to be this year’s valedictorian.” She sucked in a breath. “He tainted that. All my hard work, he besmirched it. However, Professor Warren didn’t deserve to lose her dog.”

“She made you cry.”