Jen hummed. "You have a point about her being teary-eyed."

"Who’s Aoife?"

I arched a brow. "I thought she was Jen’s best friend."

Jen huffed. "Don’t you be throwing shade at me, Aidan O’Donnelly. A woman’s allowed to have more than one best friend, and those best friends may never meet."

Savannah snorted. "I feel like you’re about to admit to cheating on me, Jen. I’m not sure my heart can take it."

"Technically, Jen would be cheating on Aoife with you. Didn’t you go to school together?" I directed the question at Jen.

"We did." Jen sniffed. "Ever since Aoife married into your lot, it’s not like I can take her to parties anymore. Not without Finn showing up and threatening to slice people’s hands off."

"A man’s got to stake a claim and protect what he avows as his own."

Savannah arched a brow at me. "Are you trying to stop being my favorite person? ‘Avows as his own?’ Who talks like that?"

"Me." I smiled at her. "Seeing as this has to be a new thing, I figured I wouldn’t stay your favorite for long anyway."

She smirked. "Aim low and you’re never disappointed, huh?"

"Something like that." I laughed. "Anyway, Savannah has a point, Jen. Why the fuck are you calling at this hour anyway?"

"I’m freaking out, Aidan, and not just because you’re laughing. Did Finn tell you about that bastard I was dating?"

"Surprisingly enough, honey, Finn and I have more important things to discuss than your sex life."

"It should be the top of everyone’s agenda. I’m offended it isn’t."

"I’m sure." I heaved a sigh. "I do know that you keyed the guy’s Ferrari. That was mean, Jen. Mean."

"He was fucking around on me. That was a way more expensive mistake than my giving his car a little love tap."

"Maybe if he owned a Ford, not a Ferrari. Changing the bumper sticker on those things costs ten grand."

"You’d know, Daddy Warbucks." Jen grumbled, "Anyway, I can’t afford the settlement, so I have to go to court, unless I can convince him not to."

"And giving him a blowjob didn’t work?"

"Aidan!" Savannah chided.

Jen blew a raspberry, which, without the visual, just sounded like a massive fart. "I mean, I tried, but he said no blowjob was worth that much."

I laughed. "I can’t blame him."

"I need help," Jen whined. "Please? Finn won’t. He says I made my own bed and I need to lie in it, but I make my bed every day and Tinkerbell hasn’t popped up to save my ass."

"Why should I save it?"

"Because you like me?" she wheedled.

"Since when?"

She huffed. "Aidan! I’ll ask Aoife!"

"And that’s a threat, why? If Aoife can’t get Finn to do her bidding, then how the hell would she get me to do the same?"

"Aoife’s a pushover around Finn. He blows her brain out with orgasms or something. Lucky bitch." She pshawed. "Whereas you have no orgasmic power over her. She’ll stop making you those cronuts you love. I know she will. She doesn’t want me to go bankrupt as much as I don’t want to go bankrupt because she’ll have to feed me until kingdom come—"