It was, though, wasn’t it?

"There’ll be a lot of blood shed before this whole farce is over," he intoned grimly, his eyes darkening as he glanced up at the screen once more. "You did good with that prick. When I was looking into you, I researched him.

"The network and the studio helped keep his behavior from the board. I don’t think Aidan would have let that go on if he’d known. Especially not when you were at risk." His gaze turned curious once more. "Your security seems to be a priority of his."

"There’s no point in fishing with me. I’ve got three siblings. I know how to keep a secret."

He snickered, but his eyes turned, in a word, googly. "Do you really think your dad will play for me?"

The question had me blinking a second, my brain whirring as I tried to process why he was asking me that exactly, and then I remembered. I’d told him Dad would set up in the corner and play any song Conor wanted.

"I don’t see why not. Although he hates New York. That would probably be the hardest thing of all—getting him to come here."

Conor wafted a hand. "I have houses all over the States. I could go to him."

My lips twitched. "Houses or safe houses?"

He waggled his finger at me. "Houses."

Lifting my arms and cupping my elbows, I bit my lip as I tilted my head back to look at the screens.

"Before the exposés, this was the most useful thing I’d ever done in my life," I told him softly.

"Useful? That’s a weird way of phrasing it."

"Is it? I’m a celebrity’s daughter. I’m Dagger Daniels’ spawn. Everyone knows me, at least, they think they do. Everything I’ve gotten, they think came from my connection to Dad. No matter how hard I work, no matter how much I try, everything will always be because I’m my father’s daughter." I cut him a look. "Don’t get me wrong, it comes in handy sometimes.

"I’m pretty sure the only reason the network didn’t sue is because of Dad, well, and Aidan, but that wouldn’t have stopped Wintersen I don’t think. And I’m not saying that I feel sorry for myself, because I don’t. I have a great life and a lot of that is because of my father, but it was just...goodto be able to go in there and destroy that smirk.

"All these months later, it still triggers an adrenaline rush like no other."

"He quit soon after, didn’t he?"

I nodded. "His wife petitioned for a divorce too. I regret hurting her, although having to be married to that bastard must have been a punishment in and of itself."

Conor asked, "You don’t think he’d hate you enough to send someone after you?"

I snorted. "No."

"He lost everything," Conor pointed out. "Career, family, reputation, his whole life because of what you did."

"He deserved it. He ruined a whole host of lives before I came along and served him some justice." I scowled at him. "Are you on his side?"

Conor snickered. "Me? No. I’m just trying to figure out who’d want you dead. That’s all."

"It’s to do with the exposés, surely?"

He dug his spoon into his carton of frozen custard. "Yes, it’s more than likely, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t check out every avenue, wouldn’t I?"

Begrudgingly, I admitted, "I guess."

"I’ll admit I know it’s a dead end. I’m just giving you shit."

I frowned at him. "How do you know that?"

"Because Wintersen’s gone missing."

"What?" I sputtered.