

Five years earlier

"Where’s your head at, Aidan?"

I cast a glance at Finn. "Nowhere."

"Not even on top of your shoulders?"

Smirking at him, I rolled my eyes. "If you say so."

He grinned at me, then cuffed my ear in a move that was classic Magdalena O’Donnelly. In a move we’d also patented over the years, I ducked just before his hand collided with the side of my head and swung out of the way.

"Think I’ve lost my edge?" I jeered.

"I know it," he retorted, slumping down opposite me in the visitor’s chair in my office. "I saw your focus disintegrating over the course of that meeting. That’s normally your jam. What’s going on?"

I pulled a face. "Nothing."

"Really looks like it," he retorted, arching a brow at me. "You can bullshit your brothers and your father, but you forget, I know you too well."

My nose crinkled. "Fuck off."

I’d pulled this move on Savannah earlier today, so I didn’t need him trying to get into my head. I was too accustomed to the power plays that rocked our world. The corporate version was watered down and it was why, though she had balls as big as Finn, I’d eaten Savannah up and spat her out to dry.

Of course, I’d have just preferred to eat her.

Fuck, she was banging.

Mahogany silk bobbed around her shoulders, shielding a stubborn jaw that housed lips that were made for blowjobs. Her eyes gleamed amber-brown that were topped by thick lashes. Her nose was dainty with a thin bridge, her cheeks like sharp ice picks that made her face heart-shaped.

In a word, she was gorgeous.

Every fucking thing about that face was enough to launch ten thousand ships to me, never mind a thousand.

And those yoga pants? Good God. They’d left nothing to the fucking imagination. I’d tried to see if she had a cameltoe but as much of a prick as I was, my level of asshole didn’t sink that low.

Gaping at a woman’s pussy as she moved toward the table I was sitting at wasn’t one of my regular moves.

Drumming my fingers on the desk, though, I recognized that Finn was uniquely placed to help me. While a part of the core O’Donnelly brother unit, he and I tended to drift together, leaving the others behind. The perks of being the eldest, but also, the ones who shouldered more than the rest realized. They’d never fucking know the shit we did to keep Da off their backs, and I didn’t want them to figure it out either. I didn’t do it for glory or for their appreciation, I did it so they could have more of a life than either of us did.

"Come on," Finn jibed. "You know you’re going to tell me."

"What the fuck are you doing here, anyway? Don’t you have your own office to go to?" I sniped.

His lips curved. "Oh, now I know we’re getting somewhere. Come on, tell me." He made a ‘come here’ motion with his fingers. "What’s got Junior’s panties in a bunch?"

"Fuck off," I groused again.

"Never," he declared, his smile widening.

"True dat." I grunted. "You know that little problem Da had me handle?"

"Which one?" Finn countered. "Ain’t there about ten million we have to deal with on the regular? I wouldn’t be fucking surprised if one day he sends us out on a coffee run."

I snorted. "Yeah, I wouldn’t put it past him. Especially if that shit with the Tongs happens again."