I remembered how it’d been back when we’d first met, and whenever things could have evolved, or at least moved forward a few steps, he’d always backed off.

He wasn’t just the one who got away, he was more the phantom of the fucking opera.

Shaking my head at the analogy, then wincing when the migraine had lights dancing at the periphery of my vision, I muttered, "Are you going to set a guard on me?"

"Why would I? You’ll be staying here. With Conor and I."

"Until my exposés are all published?" I asked carefully, trying not to get excited.

"Yes." His mouth firmed. "He might not like it. None of us have lived together for a long time. If that’s the case, we’ll go to my house."

Well, I wasn’t about to complain.

"Okay, well, whatever’s easiest for you."


I was easiest for him.


Bend me over and spank me, Aidan.

I’d take it.

He grunted. "What is your family doing for the holidays?"

"They’re going to Hawaii." I pursed my lips. "I wasn’t going to go."

"Why not?" He frowned at me. "Aren’t you as close to them as you used to be?"

My nose crinkled. "Do we really have to get into it?"

His frown hardened and, in response, my lady bits softened.

"We had a falling out over Thanksgiving."

"Over the holiday itself or because of it?"

I mumbled, "Umm, during Thanksgiving weekend."

"What about?"

"Camden, you know, my brother—"

He laughed a little. "Yes, Savannah, I know the singer who’s won more Grammy awards than Adele."

I grimaced, because everyone knew my goddamn brother. They just didn’t realize what a prick he was. "Well, he and I got into a little spat, and I’ve decided not to forgive him."

Aidan was quiet a few seconds, and as he guided me into a spare room that was as eclectically designed as the rest of the place—why was there a fountain beside the bed? Wouldn’t that make anyone who stayed here need to pee all the time?—he eventually asked, "About your career?"

Humming, I said, "He told me I was stupid to risk it all when I should have known nothing would change."

Aidan frowned. "Nothing would ever change if people didn’t try to make a difference."

"Exactly!" I stopped peering at the fountain that was somehow like a waterfall running down exposed brickwork, and twisted around to stare at him. "He said I was an idealistic no hope and that—"

He arched a brow at me when I stopped, too mad, still fuming enough that it made the words hard to get out. Of course, he then proceeded to stun the fuck out of me by drifting toward me, not stopping until we were standing in front of one another again, and his hand moved up to cup my chin. As his thumb stroked along my bottom lip, I was pretty sure I’d died and gone to heaven.