

I wokeup in a living room I didn’t recognize, surrounded by men I didn’t know. At least, not in my dazed state.

Screaming, I jerked upright, arms flailing as I tried to figure out where the hell I was and who the fuck I was with.

There were five of them.

Looming over me.



They were hot.

And when I said hot, I didn’t just mean like regular hot. I was talking Chris Evans’ hot. Henry Cavill smokin’.

Of course, that didn't diminish my panic.

Rapists could be cute.

Then, I saw him. Immediately, my heart slowed and I began to calm down, even as my head started to throb with the makings of a migraine.

He wasn’t standing in the circle around me, he was just off to the side, sitting on an armchair, shoulders hunched as he leaned forward, one elbow propped on a knee while he had the other leg resting outstretched in front of him.

When recognition hit so did relief.

As did want. Need. Regret.

Those tangled emotions did more than hit me. They sank inside me like the ocean flooding holes kids dug in the sand to make sandcastles.

"Aidan?" I whispered rawly.

"Savannah." He rubbed his thumb along his bottom lip. "How are you feeling?"

"I’m okay." Total lie. But I was surrounded by the O'Donnelly brothers. You didn't jump into shark-infested waters and willingly slice your wrist open, did you? "What’s going on?"

I peered at his brothers.

I’d never met them before, but they were as notorious as Aidan.

You didn’tnotknow the O’Donnellys in New York.

"You fell down the stairs—"

Ouch. That was why everything hurt more than it had before.

My hands dropped to my lap and I winced, saw that my leg had a massive bandage on it, which was a reminder of that bastard who’d slashed me there.

Blood peeped through the folds of the gauze, and I winced again at the solid punch to the gut that was the realization I’d almost died tonight. Because it had to be tonight still, right? It was dark out. Not even dawn.

Someone clicked their fingers in front of my face, making me jolt in surprise.

"How did you even access my helipad?"

I darted a look at Conor. So, he was the one who lived here.Hishelipad, huh. I'd tried to find out the legal owner of the penthouse when I’d started the motions of buying my place downstairs, but had run up against a dummy corp.