"Before he died, though, he made a video and had his wife send it to all the news channels. He explained what the Sparrows were and declared that Jason Young was the guy who’d told him to take Coullson out. He's that dick Republican who wears suits that are a size too small."

I almost laughed at the description.

I remembered Young. He'd been the presidential running mate in the last election.

"You really don’t remember any of that?" Eoghan asked warily.

"No." My retort was grim, but I figured that was understandable.

"Either way, ever since then, I know Lodestar’s been working on a way to keep on spreading the news."

So, the night following Savannah’s breaking news, she ended up here? Unconscious?

That couldn’t be a coincidence, could it?

Slowly, I verbalized my train of thought: "So, somehow, the neighbor on the floor below you, who also happens to be the journalist who broke a story on the Sparrows, sneaked up onto the helipad after cracking Conor’s security system, and descended to this level… Do we think there’s a reason for that?"

"Whatever it is, it can’t mean anything good," Eoghan muttered.

And even though it was my brotherly duty to disagree with him on principle, this time, I couldn’t.