
Seven months later

The second theelevator doors closed behind me, I grabbed Savannah around the waist, hauled her over my shoulder, then strode down the hallway to my bed.

Her squeal made me laugh, as did the way she bit my ass through my pants.

"You’re going to have to work harder than that to get me to put you down," I teased, laughing even more when she tried to shove my pants down. "Gravity is on my side."

"Don’t be a jerk!" she groused, but she was chuckling too.

I heard her happiness, knew she felt it as much as I did.

I was free.

Four months ago, I’d had knee replacement surgery to fix the clusterfuck of the botched job the previous surgeon had done.

Sixteen weeks of physio later, the pain was manageable, like the brush of a butterfly’s wings to my skin rather than the tsunami to my senses of before, and I could walk properly again.

The doctor said if I overdid it, I might need a cane from time to time, but as long as I stayed away from marathons and long hikes, that I should be okay.

Without the physiological need for Oxy, it made my addiction more bearable, though there were days I knew I was a bastard because it clawed at me tooth and nail, but it was a struggle Savannah understood.

One that had her barking at me to come and do yoga with her, or that had us angry fucking our way through the drowning sensation that was the need for chemical substances.

Today had been my final physio session and I was celebrating in more ways than one.

"I can’t believe you’re holding me to this."

I grinned. "You can’t believe it? Seriously?"

She huffed. "I didn’t realize you wanted to pop my ass cherry so bad."

"Bullshit. That’s why you leveraged it with knee surgery."

She blew a raspberry I didn’t see.

Cackling, I walked straight down the hallway through our new penthouse.

We drifted between the city and upstate now Da was pulling back and leaving some tasks to me. He’d gone from being hands on to being hands off in a ridiculously short space of time, and right now, Brennan and I as well as the rest of my bros, had so much on our plates that I simply didn’t have the hours in the day to commute upstate. Not if I ever wanted to see my wife.

Which I did.

A lot.

"This is quite painful," she told me, her tone pleasant.

"Well, I’m almost there," I said dryly.

"Your shoulder’s bony."

"Forgive me."

"I will when you give me an orgasm."

"Oh, baby, you’re going to get more than one," I purred, which made her squirm. I slapped her ass. "Don’t do that, or I’ll drop you."

"Then don’t get me horny."