"And got beaten by your PT?" Savannah queried, scooting closer to the screen so she could see more.

One of the main reasons I knew Savannah was even okay with being here was because she’d argued with her brother, but now he turned and revealed a black eye, apparently that memory had flown away with the wind.

"It’s okay. I’m okay," Camden muttered. "And no, my PT didn’t beat me up."

"Then who did?" Savannah hounded, her brow furrowed. "Did he hit you with brass knuckles?"

I kind of loved how she shot me a look that asked for confirmation.

I also loved how un-normal violence clearly was for the Daniels. Talk about a luxury that wasn’t available in my world.

Trying not to smile because, genuinely, it wasn’t funny, I leaned in and said, "Yeah, they’re bruises from brass knuckles."

"You’d better call the cops, Lorelei," Dagger intoned with a snarl. "How many fucking times do I have to tell you kids? You take your goddamn guards to the shitter with you!"

"Dad!" Aspen gasped.

"That’s gross," Paris mumbled.

"What’s grosser is coming back on Christmas Day with a fucking shiner. What if you’d been overpowered? Then, what?"

Camden cast a glance at me, then at his sister. "I wasn’t. I don’t want to call the cops. I’m not going to press charges."

"The hell you aren’t!" Dagger roared.

"What happened?" Savannah repeated doggedly, her scowl mutinous.

"Nothing. Who’s the guy?"

"Aidan O’Donnelly," I introduced myself.

"Your sister’s fiancé," Dagger clarified at the same time. "As well as the reason why she’s not here…" He glowered at Savannah. "I assume."

My lips twitched. "Does that mean I’ve got your approval, sir?"

"Don’t call me ‘sir’ and you might."

"That’s not true," Savannah argued. "I didn’t come because of that asswipe behind you."

Dagger frowned, but before he could say anything, Camden growled, "You’re getting married? When did this happen? Who is this guy?"

"I’ve known him for five years—"

"You were dating for five years without telling us?" Camden screeched, making me see how he’d won so many goddamn Grammys because his voice just slipped through the octaves like a knife through the gut.

"If you’d listen," Savannah sniped, "and didn’t interrupt all the goddamn time, I’d have had the chance to finish. I met him five years ago, and we reconnected recently."

"What broke you up?" Camden demanded, his tone suspicious, his gaze fervently holding mine.

"My job," I explained. "I had to move away." Figuratively speaking.

His eyes narrowed. "If he didn’t prioritize you before, Savannah, what makes you think he will now?"

"When did you turn into this big of a dipshit?" She huffed. "This is exactly the reason why I’m not in Hawaii right this second, you judgmental pain in my ass! You can’t stand that I don’t listen to you and that I flow to my own beat. Well, screw you—"

"Savannah!" Lorelei gasped.

Voice dark, Dagger intoned, "What did you say to piss your sister off enough that Savvie didn’t want to come celebrate the holidays with us?"