
Lodestar:**You sure you don’t know why?**

aCooooig:**It’s just something I’ve always done.**

Lodestar:**I’ve had a lot of expensive therapists in my time. They all said that I tried to get reactions out of people to test them.**


Lodestar:**To push their limits. To make sure that they were loyal. That they’d remain true to me no matter what I said or did.**

aCooooig:**That because of your mom? Her murder?**

Lodestar:**I guess. I do it even more now. I think it’s what victims do.**

aCooooig:**Hate that word.**

Lodestar:**Really? Survivor is more fitting tbh.**

aCooooig:**Now I’m humming the theme tune to Survivor. Thanks.**

Lodestar:**Lol. You’re welcome.**

aCooooig:**I promise, Star, when I have your gift, I’ll send it to you.**

Lodestar:**I’m looking forward to receiving it.**


aCooooig:**You never did tell me how you knew exactly when to call me during that mini-siege.**

Lodestar:**Mini? Deal with sieges every week, do you?**


Lodestar:**That goes hand in hand with where I bought the dog statue.**

aCooooig:**You didn’t see it, but I just rolled my eyes.**

Lodestar:**The nerve!**

aCooooig:**What have you hacked and do I need to patch it?**

Lodestar:**Nope. Not on your system. *smirks* You can’t control satellites, Conor.**

aCooooig:**You hacked into a satellite?**

Lodestar:**You haven’t? Comes in handy.**

aCooooig:**Jesus. How aren’t you in jail?**

Lodestar:**Because I’m very, very, very good.**

aCooooig:**No one’s that good.**

Lodestar:**True. I know people in high places. Allegedly.**

aCooooig:**God? He up there with the satellite?**