I moved faster, harder, slicing into her softness, feeling it welcoming me, beckoning me where I belonged—home.

This was home.


Her cunt.

Her warmth.

Her fucking heart.

And it was mine. All mine. No fucker else’s.

Unable to stop myself, I ceased spanking her and instead, grabbed her hair in a tight grip and forced her to sit up on her knees. She squealed as she straightened, and I grabbed her by the throat, being careful not to break her necklace, pinning her to me, my front to her back as, deep in her ear, I rasped, "Who do you belong to, little one?"

"You!" she screamed, detonating around me, coming so hard that I saw fucking stars as she drew me into the darkness with her.

Together, we exploded.

Together, we burned.

Which was, all told, pretty fitting for the life we were going to lead.

That was why, as I panted through my release, feeling the aftershocks settle deep in my bones, adding to my tiredness while also revitalizing me, as we both fell into the sofa, me wincing as it hurt my knee, her flopping into the cushions, I whispered in her ear, "Marry me?"

Drunkenly, she replied, "Only if you’ll wear a ring."

I smirked as she hummed Beyoncé’sAll The Single Ladies.

"You liked it so you want to put a ring on it?" I asked dopily.

"Exactly," she slurred.

A thought occurred to me. "Where’s my necktie?"

She turned into me, twisting so that we were still joined, barely, hooking her leg over my hip, as she muttered, "I cut it off," before promptly falling fast asleep in my arms.

I might never see the heaven that Da was so obsessed with, but here, now, I knew this was as close to heaven on earth as I could be. I was more than okay with this being the only one I ever got to visit so long as I had it for the rest of my life.

Didn’t mean I wouldn’t tan her ass for ruining another necktie though.

Smiling, I closed my eyes and finally found some peace of my own.