Camille arched a brow at me. "I guess I should be jealous seeing as we’re talking about my man too."

I hitched a shoulder. "I was and probably still am concussed so you can’t hit an injured woman."

Her laughter boomed from her, which told me I’d really tickled her and, like moths to a flame, her amusement drew Inessa, then finally Aela over. Aela was dipping her fingers in a jar of—

I blinked. "You’re eating Nutella."

"Yeah. Pregnancy craving."

"From the jar," I finished.

"That’s not a craving," Aoife scoffed. "How is that a craving? It’s just regular food."

Aela flipped her a distinctly chocolate brown-covered bird. "Fuck off. If my kid wants chocolate and hazelnuts, I’m not going to waste time by not giving her Nutella."

"I really hope it’s a girl," Lena murmured, bringing herself over to the table too with a coffee cup in hand. "I’m not sure Declan would survive, but him and Brennan would make good daddies to baby girls."

"Hey!" Aoife complained. "Finn would so rock that too."

"And Eoghan," Inessa groused.

"Why are you bitching?" Camille retorted. "You don’t want kids yet."

"I’m not even twenty. Why the hell would I want a kid now?" Inessa blew out a breath that had a piece of golden hair flopping on her forehead. I almost heard Seamus sob into whatever it was he was making for his Grandmother General.

"You girls are lucky you had a choice," Lena intoned, then she cast a gimlet glance my way. "How old are you, Savannah?"

"I still have functioning eggs," I argued, immediately knowing where she was taking this and not about to deal with that particular bullshit. "Mom had my youngest siblings in her late thirties, and she was a late baby as well for her parents."

Lena harrumphed. "Better to have them when you’re younger."

"Respectfully, that option isn’t open to me unless you know of a portal that cuts through time and space?" I shrugged. "My career was important to me."

"Still is," Jen insisted. "And why shouldn’t it be? You’re rocking the shit out of it too." She heaved a sigh. "I wish I were. I swear I do half the work for my boss and he gets all the credit and the directors just look down my blouse while I tell them that."

"Maybe you should start wearing blouses with a high neckline?" Aoife drawled, earning an elbow in the side from Jen.

I grinned at my friend when she winked at me, thankful she’d changed the subject because I wasn’t about to throw down with Aidan’s mom on this matter.

Seriously though, what did she want me to do? Apologize for being in my thirties? Aidan wasn’t exactly young, either. Damn nerve.

"If I wore a high neckline, then my boss would realize that I’ve got a high IQ." She blew a raspberry. "This way, I’m learning as much as I can so when I strike out on my own, I have alllll the information at my fingertips. I can count on you as my first client, right, Savannah?"

I grinned at her. "I wouldn’t dare stick with Crawford, Lewis and Jones over you."

"That’s a wise choice." She wagged her finger. "I’d have to put Ex-Lax in your coffee until you agreed."

"With friends like that, who needs enemies?"

That deep voice had me wishing that were Aidan, but when we all turned around and saw guys coming in through the kitchen door, I didn’t see him, but was instantly reminded of why fangirling was a problem.

Oy vey.

The interesting thing was, of course, I didn’t want them. I was even disappointed when Aidan wasn’t one of the men walking into the kitchen, but that didn’t mean I didn’t salivate over all of them.

The O’Donnellys were rarely photographed out of suits, so to see them, en masse, dressed in sweaters and jeans just had my teenaged self fanning her face.

Plus, Eoghan was carrying a baby that looked like he was dressed for Antarctica. How fucking cute was that?