Most of what I knew was from secondhand reports.

That I was sitting with someone who was a source made me salivate.

"Not particularly, but recently, I think all of her daughters-in-law have grown closer."

I tipped my head to the side. "Do you mind me asking why? Because, to be frank, I need me some of that."

"You’re truly with Aidan?"

"Well, yeah, that’s why I’m here."

"No, I mean, you’re with him. Seriously?" Her look was measured, and I got the sense that she wasn’t going to tell me shit unless I flashed an engagement ring in her face.

"Well, I’d like to be. I mean, I love him if that counts."

Camille’s mouth quirked up at the corners. "It counts. I do not know him well, not like Inessa, and she said that she hasn’t seen him laugh in many moons."

"He’s in pain," I excused. "I knew him before. He was... different back then. I like this new Aidan to be honest."

"Why? In what way is he different?"

"I mean, don’t get me wrong. He’s arrogant now, and he’s got a bit of an ego. I’m not blind—but that’s part of the problem. If I were a guy and I looked like him, I’d be egotistical too."

Camille snorted. "And you’re not beautiful?"

"Well, he’s Aidan O’Donnelly." I drooled. "I mean, he’s Aidan frickin’ O’Donnelly."

She blinked. "I don’t understand?"

I wafted a hand. "Some kids have rock stars, some have authors, I fangirl for mobsters."

A snicker escaped her. "Seriously?"

I grimaced. "I promise, it’s loaded in psychoses."

"Is that supposed to be reassuring? That it comes therapist-approved?"

"I might not see a therapist," I pointed out, even though I hadtwotherapists.

"You’re Dagger Daniels’ daughter," she countered with a laugh. "Of course you have a therapist."

"I feel pigeonholed," I complained. "I don’t think you should only drink vodka because you’re Russian."

She grinned. "I do drink vodka. A lot. Just not in front of my mother-in-law."

"That’s very smart thinking." We both shared a laugh. "Anyway, Aidan is Aidan. But before, he was, well, a fuck boy."

"I don’t mean to be rude, but he still is, isn’t he?"

While I couldn’t get mad when Aidan and I had basically claimed each other within a period of time that could still be counted in hours, I sniped, "They all are. They can be reformed, can’t they?"

"True." She smiled at me. "Okay, you passed the test."

"I did?"

"Yep, you’d have blown smoke up my ass if you were just gossiping. Instead, you were really pissed at me just then." She laughed. "I deserved it, but still, you’re authentic."

"A lot of people would say I’m more brass balls than authentic."