"No fucking way," Finn snapped. "Jesus, what did your da say?"

"He asked me to look into it," was Conor’s grim retort.

Finn’s disbelief was clear. "You’re helping them take her baby away from her? MaryCat will make an epic mom. You know that as much as I do."

"I’m not helping," was Conor’s reply.

Finn made an ‘ah’ sound. "You’re sowing seeds?"

"Yes. I’ve asked her to come around tomorrow."

"Digger's coming too?"

"I suppose. I don’t imagine he’ll be letting her go anywhere in the city without his protection. She’s safe physically, but clearly he knows what her mother’s like."

"A fucking cunt?" Finn grunted. "Wait until I tell Aoife this."

"Be careful she doesn’t spread it to the other women. I need this on the downlow."

Finn heaved a sigh. "You’re right. They’re getting to be as thick as thieves."

"Safety in numbers," Conor pointed out.

"I need to vomit," I moaned.

"You’ve needed to puke for days," Conor replied, his lack of sympathy clear. "You’ll get used to it soon."

"Shouldn’t we do something?" Finn asked, fidgeting on top of me.

"No. He’s going cold turkey."

"You sure we shouldn’t take him somewhere?"

"We can’t exactly take him upstate to a rehab center, can we?" Conor snorted. "Da would really love that. His eldest declared a junkie in the eyes of the world."

Finn hummed his agreement. "You sure you know what you’re doing?"

"As much as I ever know what I’m doing."

"Is that supposed to be reassuring?"

"No. So, why do you think Davidson is a prick?"

"Fuck off, Conor."

"No, really. Tell me."

"I already did. His policies—"

"No, tell me the truth."

Finn fidgeted on top of me again, and if my brain had been working, if I hadn’t been in survival mode, I might have recognized that for the tell it was.

All I knew was that the motion was enough to have me surging off the sofa, rolling out of my blanket fort, shoving them to the floor like I was a banana boat and they were frat brothers in Cozumel on Spring Break, then falling on my face on the floor where I promptly puked out my entire digestive system.

Going cold turkey?

Only for the brave.