Aidan laughed a little. "Don’t make me laugh."

"I’m only teasing. He reminds me of Einstein."

"If Einstein had any idea what a computer was."

"Well, he would have. The Antikythera mechanism was discovered in the nineteen hundreds."

He blinked at me. "The anti-what?"

"The first analogue computer." I wafted a hand. "Never mind."

His grin made an appearance and, like always, on the few occasions I’d seen him smile, it felt like I’d won an award. That was, I saw, the moment you knew how much someone meant to you... when their smile felt like a Pulitzer.

"We almost there?" I asked.


"I feel like a kid going to Disney," I admitted.

"It’s really not that impressive."

"I’m about to go to the Five Points’ mothership, Aidan," I groused. "This is about as impressive as it gets."

"You keep it up, I’ll start to think you’re only in this for my father."

I snickered. "You keep on thinking that." I fidgeted with my suit jacket. "I really should have worn black like you warned me."

"I was only teasing. It’s not a funeral," he scoffed. "You look hot."

The low rumble in his voice had me squirming in my suit. "That was my intention." I cast him a look. "I didn’t forget about what was supposed to happen in that elevator last night."

"You mean before we were hijacked?" was his droll retort.

"Yes, I mean before then. I have a very fertile imagination," I told him with a pout. "I was looking forward to applying lipstick to your dick. It was going to be the prettiest in the city."

He snorted out another laugh, then did something that made my pussy clench. There was nothing complicated about the move, nothing intense either—Aidan just rested his hand on my thigh, then squeezed.Gently.

But it stayed there.

His hand stayed there.

Oh, my God, it didn’t move.

His fingers were tipped in, tilted up toward the apex of my thighs, and it was hot. So hot. So much like a brand that I knew I needed to have sex soon again because apparently, I’d been sex deprived before.

"I can deal with having the prettiest cock in the city," he told me.

"Won’t be a score against your masculinity?"

He grinned at me, and that grin told me that he was entirely unaware about how his simple claiming affected me. "Maybe if I applied it myself. But I think it can handle it if you were the one who put it on for me."

His eyes were twinkling and my heart just plopped in my chest.

Love, I could confirm, made you stupid.


I had a Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication. I was a seasoned reporter, had broken countless stories, had been a news anchor on the most watched morning show in the nation, and was now going to be the face of the New World Sparrows’ end of days.