The jarring halt had Aidan releasing another snarl and I grabbed a hold of him, trying to steady him so his bad knee didn’t take as much of a hit, but it was no use.

The lights flickered, before they flashed off permanently. The elevator made a whining sound, the floor beneath us released another creak, and then there was silence. Aside from my harsh exhalations and his.

"Conor? Talk to me!" he demanded, calmer this time, which told me he thought the danger was under control for the moment.

In turn, that surety settled inside me and I released a snotty sob as I hugged him harder.

We’d almost died, hadn’t we?


Those fucking bastard Sparrows.

Those motherfucking pussy assholes.

I was going to fuck those fuckers up. Tear them to shreds. Rip them to pieces—

"I had to pull the kill switch."

Aidan rasped, "What does that mean in regards to our security?"

"The system was being overridden. The only way to kick out the intruder was to enter the kill switch sequence. The elevator’s a brick now so you’re safe because you’re locked in there."

"A brick?" I whispered brokenly.

"It means it’s useless. We’ll need firefighters to fish us out," Aidan explained calmly, and though I had no idea how he was so fucking calm at that moment, it dramatically cut down on my panic.

I didn’t let go of him, my hold on him absolute as I clung to him, feeling weak and like a pussy but SOMEONE HAD HACKED AN ELEVATOR TO TRY TO KILL ME. I thought I was well within my rights to feel goddamn shaken.

"We’re going to have to change the internal computer. It’s fried," Conor rumbled.

"How did they get in, Conor?" Aidan asked quietly.

I didn’t know Conor, not at all in the grand scheme of things. But he released a snarl that was so like his brother’s, it came as a surprise. Throughout that crisis, he’d been calm aside from the pounding of his fingers as he tried to save us.

"I’m working on it," was all Conor said.

"Da’ll find out if we need firefighters."

"I know."

Aidan released a breath. "Prepare yourself for his bullshit."

"I’m already prepared," Conor snapped. "I’m going to work on shoring up the building’s defenses, but though we can use the other elevators, it’s not ideal—"

"Did they want us to freefall or did they want to board it?"

"They were taking you to the eighteenth floor."

"You’ve sent some of our men there?"

"Yes. I’ll keep you updated on who was waiting."

"Trap them inside the building then take them to the Hole," Aidan commanded.

"Will do. I’ll call Brennan’s crew to get their help with hauling them over."

"Good. The Fire Department is on their way?"