"Thanks, but no. I’m cool with the balm, especially if we’re going to eat."

"Do you think Aidan will cover the tab?"

"I’m pretty sure he will." I arched a brow, then tutted. "Jen, if money’s so damn tight, then why did you buy those shoes?"

"They were on credit," she defended. "Plus they might have saved me the costs of a court case.’

Rolling my eyes, I grumbled, "How are you a feminist?"

"I’m not against using men’s dicks against them. That, to me, is a form of feminism."

"More like misandry."

"Whichever way you call it, if they’re dumb enough to want to fuck me because I’m hot, then they’re dumb enough for me to manipulate."

"Ouch." I cast her a look, wondering if she recognized what she’d said there, how much she’d revealed about her relationships with men.

Jen had never known her dad because he’d run off while her mom was pregnant, but even if I hadn’t known about her past, I’d have understood everything then and there with that one declaration.

She didn’t respect the men she fucked, and they, in turn, didn’t respect her.

Wondering if she knew how toxic that was, I decided not to lecture her when she had a lot going on. Instead, I told her, "If Aidan doesn’t, I will, and if you promise not to waste the money on fucking shoes, I’ll lend you whatever you need. I keep offering, Jen, because you’re my friend, and I don’t want you to be concerned about bills or paying rent."

She dipped her chin, hiding her beautiful face in a cloud of dark brown hair. "Thanks, Savannah. I really appreciate that." She peeped at me from under her lashes, making me wonder how, even though she was definitely an acquired taste, a guy hadn’t snapped her up yet. She was gorgeous. A twelve out of ten. "I might..." Jen sighed. "I’ll give you the details for my landlord, so you can know the money goes right to him."

I frowned. "Jen, I trust you, honey."

"I don’t," she said grimly, turning to face the mirror. "I’m turning into a magpie."

"You need a rich boyfriend," I teased her.

"I need an O’Donnelly." She sighed. "Conor’s the only one left. He’s hot. What do you think? Would we go well together?"

"He says he’s taken."

Her nose crinkled. "Damn. Oh, well, I’m not as brave as you are." She leaned into me, and her perfume, sweet but not cloying, filled my nose as she whispered, "You know Aidan’s going to take over the Five Points, don’t you?"

"I managed to work that out," I joked.

"I know you’re weird about them," she replied, "but you’ve never been up close and personal with them like I have. It’s a scary world, Savannah. Aoife got really hurt on her wedding day. I was there."

At her shiver, I asked, "You were?"

She nodded, but clearly didn’t want to talk about it.

I patted her arm. "I promise, I think I know what I’m doing."

"Is that supposed to reassure me?"

I grinned. "It’s about as much reassurance as I’m capable of."

"Good to know."

After we both used the bathroom and washed up, we returned to the restaurant and found ourselves at the center of the diners’ attention once more.

"I could get used to this. I’ll just stick with you and I’ll find me a sugar daddy in no time," Jen teased as she tucked her arm through mine.

"I’m sure Aidan would love that."