"My fellow Americans, the stain on our democracy from these so-called New World Sparrows need only be as deep as we allow it. If we can stop that taint from spreading further," the President declared, "then their toxicity can be cut off at the source.

"After a brief investigation by the FBI, several Congressmen and -women, Senators, even staff within my household have been uncovered as being a part of this body of people who, right here right now, I’m declaring as enemies of the state.

"I will not allow such a presence to undermine this republic in which we all live, for which millions have fought and died to protect…

"As of this moment, I can assure you, whether you voted for me or against me, the Davidson Presidency has your back. We will purge this presence from American soil and restore it to its former glory!"

"Puke alert," Conor mumbled.

Finn hummed. "He’s good though. You can’t deny it. That’s how he reels them in."

"Like suckers." Conor made a gagging sound. "I don’t mind his politics, just how he does his speeches."

"He’ll get in again. You know that, right? Especially if he gets the exterminators in for the NWS like he’s promising."

"You don’t think he is one?" Conor queried. "It’d fit. Why wouldn’t they have Sparrows in both parties?"

Even in this state, a state that made ‘death warmed over’ seem like a walk in the fucking park, I knew what he was talking about.

As he sat back, his weight settling on my legs in a way that was seriously uncomfortable, the TV flickered off of Davidson and switched to scenes from a few days back.

City Hall surrounded by cop cars, an active shooter alert ongoing, and then scenes that I was sure most would find harrowing. Except, my brothers and I weren’t exactly the norm.

A dirty cop was squatting in a corner of the New York City Mayor's office, squealing like the pig he was, about how he’d been given the job of killing Mayor Coullson by a Republican politician.

Jason Young had, only a couple years ago, been the running mate of Davidson’s opposition. That he was a Sparrow and that he’d been arrested in conjunction with Coullson’s death was all over the news still.

"My name is Detective Craig Lacey of the 42nd Precinct," the squealing pig declared to the world in a video that had since gone viral after his death and the Mayor’s murder. "Yesterday evening, I received a call on my burner cell from Congressman Jason Young." He grabbed something from the table, turned it around to display Jason Young’s Caller ID on the log. "At nine-twenty-four, he made the request that I dispose of Mayor Coullson as he had broken ranks and was in talks with someone who was working against the organization.

"When I speak of an organization, I'm talking about the New World Sparrows, a body of people for whom I have worked since my first year at the NYPD Police Academy.

"Congressman Jason Young is also a member of this group, and I have been in contact with him for some years."

He switched onto an app, and there was a soft hushed voice, faintly masculine but androgynous that whispered,"Coullson can no longer be trusted. Those on high say he needs to be silenced. The usual payment will be made once the job is done."

When the recording was complete, Lacey muttered, "This morning, I realized this was a trap. I was never meant to make it out of this room alive. If they think they can take me down for knowing too much, then they can think again.

"The Sparrows are everywhere—"

There was the sound of a faint explosion, as if a glass door or a window had been smashed, and he jerked like he’d been hit. But his head twisted to the side as he looked for the source of the bullet’s entry, then he snarled, "Those bastards—"

Someone promptly shut him the fuck up by shooting him.

Because of this Young, however, the entire world knew about the New World Sparrows; a threat to everyone's personal liberties and a group that was affecting my da's bottom line.

We were involved in the extermination process. Not because they were the 'toxicity' the President declared them to be, or because they were infiltrating the very mores upon which this nation was founded, but because they were business rivals.

"He’s a prick but I don’t think the President’s a Sparrow," Finn mused, but he sounded like he was chewing.

"Why not? Davidson’s smarmy as fuck."

Finn shrugged—the motion made me want to hurl. "I just don’t."

Silence fell a second, but even I knew Conor was like a dog with a bone. Something Finn had said had triggered him, and where Kid was concerned, silence wasn’t a good thing.

"Have you spoken with him?"

"Maybe at a gala or something. You know the shit your da makes us attend."