Brennan might seem like my father on the surface, but hewasn’tin the ways that mattered.

Thank God.

When Victoria got a text from Inessa telling her she was back in the city, that seemed to be the trigger for a mass exodus.

Eoghan and Brennan must have discussed the situation at some point because the second she received that text, his crew got to their feet, and Brennan informed me, “Forrest will drop off Victoria at Eoghan’s apartment.” Then, to Victoria, he’d said, “Eoghan will introduce you to a new guard. It’s down to you if you want him or Forrest.”

Victoria blinked. “I get a choice?”

Brennan’s smile was soft, but somehow all the more dangerous because of it. “The Irish do things differently.”

She bit her lip, sending a cautious look Forrest’s way. “Do you mind, Forrest?”

“Nah.” He’d winked. “Driving you around the place will be fun.”

“Will it?” Her eyes rounded. “I only go to school. That’s not fun.”

Brennan snorted. “Let’s keep it that way.” He raised a hand. “Meet Eoghan’s guy first. We want you to be comfortable.”

Her eyes turned into silver pennies, and I got it. Comfort, choice... these were like curse words for us. Neither was an option. We got what we were given and we were grateful for it.

“Thank you, Brennan,” Victoria said, but it wasn’t parroted. Words trotted out of politeness. There was a heartfelt gratitude to them, and it made me realize that somehow, amid the weeds growing in my father’s household, he’d managed to cultivate a hothouse flower.

Victoria, now she was free of his poison, would be the best of all of us.

After some flustered goodbyes, awkward congratulations and bewildered, grief-stricken smiles, I’d watched her get into the elevator and had stayed there until the doors closed on us both.

That was when Brennan asked me, “Why are things strained between you?”

I turned around and found him leaning against the door to the living room.

My husband.

It had happened so fast, so much faster than I had imagined, and in circumstances a thousand times deadlier than I could have foreseen.

Mama had somehow predicted that her daughters would need a man like this, would need a protector and a guardian, and she’d tied him to us. She’d had no way of knowing that he’d be honorable enough to respect that promise, but her faith hadn’t been wasted.

That was why I told him the truth.

I’d never lie to him. I’d do what I could to be the perfect wife in thanks for what he’d done for me.

“Because I left.”

He arched a brow. “That’s it? Older siblings often leave.”

My smile was sad. “I cut myself off entirely.”

“Inessa knew where you were. Eoghan told me as much.”

“It comes as no surprise that Father had my whereabouts investigated.” I pulled a face. “It’s why I went where I did.”

“From one wolf’s lair to another?”

I hummed. “Truthfully, if he’d wanted me back, nothing would have stopped him… I didn’t go to the MC for a long time.”

“No?” He folded his arms across his chest. “What changed?”

“Poverty,” I told him shortly. “It sucks.”