His lips ravaged mine, plundering and taking, but was it really that when I wanted to give him everything anyway? Thoughts of leverage had disappeared, and all I could focus on was the delirious drug that was slaloming through my veins that he ratcheted up and up like he was increasing the dosage with each and every thrust of his tongue against mine.

For the first time, I struggled to free my hands from his grasp, even though I’d never been so happy to be pinned in place. It was of their own volition, nothing to do with me, as I chased more from him. The sensation of his hair against my fingers, the feel of his muscles as I clung to his shoulders to keep him close… to make sure heneverstopped doingthis.

Grunting, I fought back, my tongue tangling with his in the most intimate dance of all, unable to believe I was doing that, unable to believe the heat that was simmering with a life of its own inside my belly.

When he pulled back, he nipped at my lip again which had my head falling against the wall, the whisper of hurt making everything taste so much sweeter. I thought he was going to leave me, but he didn’t. His mouth dragged down over my cheek, scraping me a little with his stubble once more, which made my nerve endings hyper aware, as he relinquished his hold on my throat and found it instead with his lips.

A soft nip preceded him cupping one of my breasts, and as he squeezed the pliant flesh, he nuzzled the spot where neck met shoulder before he bit down. Hard enough to make me cry out. His knee surged higher, pushing up against my pussy, and I could feel it.

All of a sudden.

I knew what that light at the end of the tunnel was.

An orgasm.

It might as well have been a damn unicorn.

Gasping, my head rocked against the rough wall as he bit me again, before his hand slipped between my thighs and he held me there.

I wanted to grind into him, grindagainsthim, but I didn’t. Couldn’t. I could feel him pulling away for real, and my dazed eyes took that in as I saw the feverish heat on his face, which told me he was as into this as I was.

Maybe more if the thick brand of his cock against my lower belly was indicative of anything.

“W-Why?” I whispered, not sure what I was asking, whether it was about the kiss, why he’d stopped, or the way he still held me firmly by the throat and the pussy.

“Because I’m Catholic,” he rasped, pinning me in place with more than just his body. I felt skewered in two as he grated out, “That means no divorce. That means forever, and forever is a long fucking time if we're incompatible.” His hand pressed harder against my pussy, and shamelessly, I wanted to ride it, wanted to see these delicious feelings come to fruition. A hard bark of laughter filtered from him as he drawled, “Though I don’t think incompatibility is going to be an issue… But whether you like the idea or not, Camille, there will be children. I’ll save you from that fat fuck, and I’ll stop you from having to sacrifice yourself, but—”

I blurted out, “I want children. And I don’t want to get divorced.”I wanted more of this too.

“You say that now.”

Reality began to drift in, and the liquid heat that had overtaken my core started to grow cold. Somehow, that intense fire of before made the chill feel like ice was seeping through my veins, especially as I whispered, “Until Abramovicz dies, he’s a threat looming over me.”

“He’s old. He’ll die soon. Our marriage will outlive him.”

I licked my sore lips. “I have a say in who’ll own me. I’m okay with that.”

His eyes flashed wide. “Own you? You’re not a fucking slave.” He moved his hand away. A moment ago, I’d have wanted to weep. Now, I was glad.

“I’m a possession,” I told him simply.A broodmare.“I’ve had more freedom than Inessa had but you’re still demanding children, aren’t you? Whether I want them or not, that’s still part of the agreement.”

His brow puckered once more, and I could tell my verbiage put him on edge because his jaw rocked to the side like he was mad.

I’d even go so far as to say that it distressed him.

Wondering if he’d argue, I had to admit to being disappointed when, with a final squeeze to my throat, he pulled away from me, his arms jerking back with him as he let mine drop down.

At first, I thought he was going to slap me for my impudence, and it was second nature to shield my face, but before I could embarrass myself, I realized he was looking at the slimline watch on his wrist. Not like the bulky Rolex my father wore, but a thin leather one that was heavily wrinkled with age.


Vacheron Constantin.

In my world, the old was appreciated far more than the new, so my interest was piqued enough for me to make a mental note to Google the brand.

“Do you have somewhere to be?” I snapped though, surprising myself. I’d been reared to accept I wasn’t important enough to deserve a man’s full attention, but that kiss… I’d felt like I was the center of his universe.

I wanted that feeling again.

And again.

But that way danger lied.

“Always,” he said simply, before his lips twisted. “But there’s no time like the present.”

Uneasy because of that non-smile, I swallowed. “For what?”

“To get our license.” He smirked when I gasped, relief hitting me like a blow to the solar plexus. His answer, while unexpected, was wonderful. More wonderful than those sensations he’d stirred to life in me. “You’re about to become an O’Donnelly, Camille. I hope you’re ready for what that means.”