Only, that wasn’t what was happening.

Fuck territory.

Fuck a land grab.

A lot could change in ninety minutes. A lot could happen, too. Most of it shit. Especially as Camille was married now, which meant she had no use to Abramovicz. It was Victoria he was after, just like Maxim.

As furious as I was that he had eyes on her, it was only through those eyes that we knew where Camille and Victoria had been taken at all. She was why he was here, and that was whywe’d end this.Today.Together.

Declan was at my back, and Eoghan was somewhere in the wings, Forrest, Bagpipes, Tink were all here, Duncan, Franklin too. We’d brought over sixty men with us today, and Maxim had hauled in fifty. By his calculations, the cunts in this compound would be outmanned nearly two to one.

Those were my kinds of odds.

All around me, chaos ensued. We weren’t soldiers, we were fucking made men, but for our women,for family, for brothers that had been killed by these Russian bastards, sacrifices would be made.

I let the madness unfold as I took a glance around the compound.

It was an open drive that led to a warehouse, around it, there were about two dozen smaller outposts. Some looked like they were garages, others looked like storage places.

It was a front, a steel yard, but we were at the back, which was where Vasov’s Two Spies, according to the quick sum-up Maxim had given us on the ride over here, had decided to set up their base.

When a Bratvaboyevikrounded a corner, guns blazing, I shot him in the shoulder. My aim true, I watched as the gun buckled in his hand as he dropped it and I ran over to him, grabbing him by his bad arm and dragging him upright.

“Where the fuck are Camille and Victoria Vasov?”

He spat something at me in Russian, so I raised my gun and shoved the muzzle into the bullet wound.

“You want to keep your arm, you tell me where the fuckers are.”

His eyes rounded, which let me know he spoke English, before he rumbled, “One of the buildings in the East quadrant.”

“Which way’s that?” I snapped, digging the gun deeper into his wound. As he screamed out his agony, he pointed to a building nearby with his good arm. I could see two guards, their guns drawn as they got ready to defend themselves, all while standing close to their post.

I retracted my gun, my attention already on the guards as I blew that fucker’s brains out.

With a stealth I wasn’t really known for anymore, I moved toward the small building that was being guarded. The men were focused on the bulk of the fray which was taking place in the middle of the compound, but as I moved toward them, their attention shifted.

The second they raised their guns, I raised mine, but I didn’t have a chance to get a bullet out. Two pops and they were gone. I twisted around on my heel, knowing Eoghan was watching from his nest, and raised a hand to him in thanks.

We didn’t have long—the cops would be on their way shortly, especially as the steel factory was an active place of work—so I hurried over to the building, and yanked at the door. I was stunned to find that it opened.

My jaw clenched down so hard that I wouldn’t have been surprised if I fractured my teeth as I took in the scene.

Da had told me once how he’d found Ma. When he was drunk and should have kept his mouth shut, he’d shared things I should never have known, and that was all I’d been able to see in my nightmares for a long while.

Her bleeding and covered in Aryan cum.

But this was different.

I had to remember that.

Neither was Camille Mariska—bleeding and covered inFamigliacum.

Instead, Abramovicz was the one who was bleeding everywhere, his hands on his junk, an endless scream coming from his lips. Victoria was huddled in the corner, her hands and arms over her head as she tried to hide from what was happening, and Camille, my wife, the—no,no time for emotions.

No fucking time.

She was on the floor in a sprawl. Unconscious. Her arms and legs were akimbo, but she was fully clothed. Her mouth was covered in blood, and I read the scene real fast as a small, puckered bloodythinglay between her and Abramovicz on the floor.