aCooooig:**Since when?**

Lodestar:**Since forever.**

I growled under my breath, and as tempted as I was to kick her out of my computer, which she’d managed to break into,again, I didn’t.

I just closed my eyes a second, trying to reconcile that the white noise that had been plaguing me was a little quieter thanks to her interference.

Lodestar:**Come on. Tell me. I might be able to help. Is it to do with the Sparrows?**

aCooooig:**I guess.**

Lodestar:**Narrow it down.**

aCooooig:**I’ve got a name for a potential Sparrow agent.**

Lodestar:**Great! Tell me. I’ll hunt them down with you.**

aCooooig:**It’s not possible.**

Lodestar:**To hunt him down? Dude, we’re the fucking BEST around. Seriously, if we wanted, the Pentagon would be our bitch.**

aCooooig:**You know how I know I’m an adult?**

Lodestar:**Irrelevant, but I’ll bite.**

aCooooig:**Because the prospect of busting through the Pentagon’s firewalls no longer gives me a boner.**

Lodestar: **A proud moment in your life, I’m sure.**

My lips twitched. aCooooig:**Absolutely.**

Lodestar:**Spill the beans. Give me the name.**

aCooooig:**There’s no point.**Thank Christ.

Lodestar:**Why not? Shit, it’s like pulling teeth with you today. When you said it wasn’t a good time, you really meant it.**

aCooooig:**Surprised you haven’t figured out that I usually mean every word I say.**

Lodestar:**Hmm, fair point. Tell me the name!!**

aCooooig: **Like I said, there’s no point. The guy’s dead.”

Lodestar: **That’s annoying. We don’t have enough ins.**

aCooooig:**No, we don’t.**

Guilt hit me when I thought about a massive ‘in’ that we had, but it would involve sharing information that we were keeping tied up.

But Lodestar wasn’t justanyone,was she?

Lodestar:**So, that’s what pissed you off?**

aCooooig:**No. Not that the fucker’s dead. Just... I used to know him.**

Lodestar:**The Sparrow agent? Well, that doesn’t come as a surprise. They’re everywhere.**

aCooooig:**Yeah. He wasn’t a good person.**