Aela snickered. “You could for me. I’ve always been curious.”

“Why?” Aoife questioned, her tone bewildered.

She shrugged. “For art.”

I blinked at her. “What?”

“Aela’s an artist,” Inessa explained. “She’s really talented.”

“You mean, you wanted to paint my husband’s penis?”

Aela grinned. “Well, I wouldn’t say no.”

“Oh my God,” Inessa guffawed. “Cammie, if you could see your face.”

“I know you want to paint the guys for Lena, Aela, but I don’t thinkthat’sthe kind of portrait she’d like,” Aoife teased, making the others laugh.

“I thought you guys would be kind of mean to me because I was the new girl and everything. I never thought we’d be discussing my husband’s dick,” I retorted waspishly, unashamed to be hiding my face by looking down at Jacob.

“Why would we be mean to you?” Aela chuckled. “We’ve got to stick together, Cammie.”

Aoife grinned. “Girl power.”

My nose crinkled. “If you say so.”

“So, is it massive?” Aela peppered.

When the others started laughing, I just joined in.

But I didn’t tell them... if it was down to me, nobody would ever know the size of my husband’s anaconda other than me.

And if that sounded possessive, well, so be it.