His fingers withdrew, prompting my eyes to pop open. I gaped at him as he got to his feet and traced his sticky fingers—God, had I made my panties wet?—between my breasts.

“Buy both of them.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips, his tongue tracing over the bottom one before he thrust into my mouth and claimed my breath right from my very lungs. When I was sagging into him, he pulled back. “Bagpipes is waiting outside on you. I’ll see you tonight.”

As he started out of the changing room, I choked out, “Brennan?”

He peered back at me. “Don’t get off. I’ll deal with you before the gala.”

I chomped down on my bottom lip, trying not to be even more aroused at that command than I already was.

He knew.


He knew what those orders did to me, making me aware that in barely no time at all he knew my body better than Nyx ever had.

A shaky sigh escaped me as he left the cubicle, and it was only by chance that I heard Bagpipes mutter, “Bren, we’ve got a problem.”

“What kind of problem?” His voice was fainter, like he’d moved away.

“That Quin kid. He’s just got shivved.”

I knew what ‘shivved’ meant. In jail, prisoners made makeshift weapons out of the most banal of items. Spoons, for example, were weaponized by sharpening them into hard points, turning it into a dagger that could kill.

As concerning as that was, it was the name that registered.

Quinn. Or maybe, Quin.

Double ‘n’ or just the one?

I worried my bottom lip between my teeth, because I knew a Quin in prison—Nyx’s brother was in Rikers.

“Is he alive?” Brennan asked, his voice grim. “Or did the bastards kill him?”

The few instances I’d heard him talk about business, I knew that his voice was oddly without inflection. Like nothing surprised him, nothing worried him. I doubted that was always the way as I’d yet to hear him be angry, but still, that he sounded anything at all told me this was not a good development.

And not just for the poor guy who’d been shivved.

“No, he’s alive. Barely.”

“Fuckers,” Brennan growled, and I heard a sound that made me think he was pounding his fist into his palm. “The kid must know more than Rex let on.”

A sharp gasp escaped me as I had my confirmation.

ItwasNyx’s brother.

Quin had just been stabbed in prison!

Heart in my throat, my shoulders hunched in on themselves as I tried to process that horrifying news.

The Sinners had been feeling a world of hurt lately. What with their clubhouse being blasted, and God only knew what else. I’d only stayed in touch with Jingles but she’d died in the bombing, and because I hated the other clubwhores and knew that by staying in contact I was only doing so to hear news about Nyx, I’d gone cold turkey and had no idea what had happened since the compound’s destruction.

But hearing this raked up all the old pain, all the longing and the need for more than Nyx was ever willing to give me. What he’d only ever given to Giulia, his Old Lady.

I bet he cared if she came.

Hell, I betGiuliacared if she came. I bet she made demands on him, not just where sex was concerned but in life too.

I hadn’t been good enough for Nyx, but Giulia, who’d been dragged up,had.