It wasn’t.

I didn’t think she was on a diet, but it made sense that months’ worth of misery while she lived under her father’s roof was enough to cut her appetite in half.

“If you’re going to keep up with me, you need the energy.”

Her lips moved into a mutinous pout, but she conceded by adding a couple more dishes to her order.

That we shared an appreciation of sushi pleased me. I didn’t know her, she didn’t know me, but what I was coming to learn was a good sign.

Whether we argued every day of the fucking week or not, we could always eat sushi on Saturdays.

The thought amused me enough to have me sinking back into my seat. Peering around the restaurant, I took note of everyone and anyone in here. Spotting a few familiar faces, not just from the Points either. Some politicians, a couple of celebrities. Akemi’s place was popular with the rich and famous of New York.

“I’m surprised you want to sit here.”

“Why?” I asked, letting my attention drift to her.

“We’re in the middle,” she pointed out, like I didn’t know that already. “You’re surrounded.”

“Better than being at the window.” I tapped my nose. “Drive-bys still happen.”

She winced. “Yes, I know.”

She wasn’t surprised when our orders started to pour out almost immediately, because there was no hiding from the preferential treatment I got. Not only was Akemi’s restaurant under the Five Points’ protection, but we also helped him with his imports, which saved his profits from the greedy-fingered IRS.

As an array of dishes started to make an appearance, cast iron plates and chopstick holders did too. A special ceramic bottle of Tengumai did as well, along with small clay pots tinted with gold for the sake, followed by steaming bowls of tempura vegetables and a vintage bottle of fermented soy sauce, Goyogurashoyu,that Akemi knew was my favorite. As well as the Imperial Household’s. Few soy sauces were given warrants from the Emperor, but this bad boy was, and it tasted like fucking nectar. Akemi knew to always have some in stock for me.

As the staff retreated with bows, the maître d’ included, we were left to our own devices.

“Everyone’s wondering who we are,” she declared, her tone amused as she picked up her chopsticks.

“Let them wonder,” I retorted, grabbing mine as well and making a start on the food. It wasn’t one of Ma’s roasts, but this was a fond favorite too.

For a few minutes, neither of us talked much, just enjoying the food. I almost thought she’d be too nervous to speak, but I should have known otherwise.

“I’ll have to bring Inessa here.”

“She likes sushi?”

“Well, it wouldn’t make sense to bring her here if she didn’t, would it?” Camille teased, her grin cheeky. “I wonder if she’s still friends with Lisandra—that girl could eat more raw tuna than a sumo wrestler.”


“They went to school together. Used to be best friends.”

“I think Eoghan’s mentioned her.” My brow puckered. “In fact, I know he did. She’s a nightmare, isn’t she? Always getting into trouble?”

“Oh dear, I was hoping she’d have grown out of that.”

“Apparently not. She moved away for college though. At least, I think so.”

“I’m surprised you remember.”

My lips curved. “She came back for Fall break, and she and Inessa went to a club together.”

Eyes round, she asked, “Did something happen?”

I shook my head, but I thought by my deepening smile she knew that was a lie.