My lips twisted. “Cheers, Da.”

“No need to thank me, son.” He hummed. “This for business?”

“No. Everything’s under control for the moment. I have news though.”


I explained about Coullson and how we’d found him in a compromising position, and I could just imagine his eyes sparkling as he roared with laughter.

“That fucking prick. He was the one who tried to block us buying the Andersen lot, wasn’t he?”

“Yeah. That was him. Coullson got in with donations from the Hannegan Corp. He’s their bitch.”

“Not anymore,” Da said gleefully. “Well fucking done, Bren. What’s the game plan?”

“You still got that invitation to the Davison’s Hudson River Clean-Up Gala?”

“Yeah. Want it?”

“The bastard knows we have him on a string, but I think we need to show him how much we can make him dance.”

Da hooted. “You go for it, kiddo. It’s next Friday.”

“Thought so.” As I headed over to Linden Blvd, making my way to my pit, AKA The Hole, I told him, “I’d really appreciate it if you could deal with the snakes, Da. Got a lot on my plate at the minute. Those fuckers raided another of Hummel’s jewelry stores the other night, and I need to get cracking with figuring out who they are.”

“Understood, son. He pays a lot in protection money so you’re right, he’s the priority. I’ll get my people in Customs to deal with the snakes and help get them where they need to be. Consider it done.”

I arched a brow. “You’re in a good mood today.” What I meant was an ‘amenable’ mood, but I didn’t say that. I didn’t feel like turning his proverbial smile upside down.

He’d been on a rampage ever since we’d found out we had a lot of rats in our midst. The Sparrows had infiltrated the Points in more ways than we’d have liked. Sniffing them all out was at the top of Da and Aidan Jr.’s agendas.

I knew Da was dedicating himself to the job with the zeal of a missionary in uncharted waters. Whether or not Aidan was pulling his weight was another matter entirely.

“Got a reason to be in a good mood,” he murmured, “my boy just called me Grandda, you just told me we have the mayor in our pocket, and I trapped some rats today.”

Wincing, I asked, “How many?”


“Jesus. So many?”

Da hummed. “I’d be pissed if I hadn’t had fun.”


“They were on Junior and Finn’s crews.”

“Figures. Money and the direct line to you... the Sparrows aren’t messing around.”

“No, but we knew that already. If they wanted us in jail, we’d already be there. So they want something else.”

“What do you think that is?”

“My guess would be information. Or, they might want to make the same deal with us as they did with those Italian cunts.”

“Would you go for it?”

Da snorted. “Brennan, when have I ever been anyone’s bitch?”