I complied, asking, “Are you coming to bed?”

“I’ll lie with you until you sleep.”

That was a massive concession.


I knew it, so did he.

He wasn’t going to call in, get the details on what had happened once he’d left. He wasn’t diving straight into business. He was giving me his time, and that was the most precious commodity he had. Which, in turn, mademefeel precious.

When I’d taken the pills, I laid back once more, wincing as the parts of my head where that bastard had pulled out my hair stung, but watching as he rounded the bed to reach his side. After he’d climbed in, he maneuvered me so I was tucked into him and then he whispered, “This is unexpected.”

I smiled because I knew, inwardly, he was thinking that it was unwanted too. But I could forgive that. I thought I could forgive him anythingwhenhe held me like this, his mouth drifting over my temple like he couldn’t believe I was here and needed to reassure himself,whenhe’d come to save me,whenhe’d done as I knew he would—ridden in like the protector he was, to slay my enemies. Now he knew though, I could slay them too.

Rather than say that, I mumbled drowsily, “The best things are, aren’t they?”

“I suppose.”

Silence fell between us, but my brain was still whirring.

“Abramovicz said my fatherhandledMama.” My eyelids fluttered closed to stop the prickling tears from falling.

“He confirmed it? Shit.”

“Poor Mama,” I whispered sadly.

He bowed his head and pressed a kiss to my temple. “Mariska, you can rest easy now. I’ve got your girls and I’ll keep them safe. No one will ever touch them again. I promise.”

I knew neither of us were religious, so his words warmed me, enough that I tucked my face against his chest and pressed a kiss just above his heart.

“Thank you, Bren. I’m sure she heard that.” And with that promise of his, a vow that meant so much to him, I rested.

Knowing I was safe.

Knowing he’d hold me.

Knowing that he’d been right that first day we’d met—I was no longer in flight mode, but fight.

Knowing that I’d never been prouder of myself and that I deserved it.

Two enemies I’d taken down now.Two. It wasn’t a fluke, if anything, a pattern was forming. Luckily for the Bratva, no one else had earned my hatred.

Maxim had better watch himself, though, or he’d become my third...

And then there was Father’s Obschak, Lukov...

But for the moment, I felt safe, which was enough to make me sigh with relief and sag into him.