Lodestar:**Let’s hope he’s rotting in hell.**

aCooooig:**I hope the Devil’s biting his cock off then making it grow again then biting it off once more.**

Lodestar:**Ouch. I thought men were sensitive about their dicks. I’ve never understood that. You talk about the time you kneed someone in the balls, and every guy in the vicinity cups his junk and groans.**

aCooooig:**That’s because you hang out with bikers. Mobsters have more decorum.**

Lodestar:**Oh? What do you guys do?**

aCooooig:**Pretend our balls aren’t aching too.**


aCooooig:**True story.**

Lodestar:**That was pretty graphic though.**

aCooooig:**You want graphic? I hope the Devil’s teeth are sharp and pointy. And when he gnaws down on the fucker’s dick, that it doesn’t snap off. He has to really dig those teeth in and drag it off.**

Lodestar:**Yikes. You’ve given this a lot of thought.**

aCooooig:**I have.**

Lodestar:**Did this person hurt you?**

aCooooig:**He caused a lot of problems in my family.**

Lodestar:**He did? How?**

aCooooig:**It doesn’t matter.**

Lodestar:**It does. Tell me. I won’t tell anyone.**

aCooooig:**Not even Maverick?**

Lodestar:**Is that jealousy I hear?**

aCooooig:**Maybe.But you can’t hear anything, can you? Unless you’ve hacked into my speaker system.**

Lodestar:**There’s no need to be jealous.**

I noticed she didn’t say anything about my speakers, so I made a mental note to do a sweep later.

aCooooig:**Isn’t there?**

Lodestar:**No. He’s like a brother to me now.**

aCooooig:**You want to fuck your brother? Where are you from again? West Virginia?**

Lodestar:**OMG, take that back. West Virginia is an awesome place.**

aCooooig:**I’m just being mean.**

Lodestar:**I can tell. And I’m from Delaware.**

aCooooig:**With leanings to West Virginia apparently.**

Lodestar:**My dad took me to live there for a while.**