She didn’t reply, not for the longest time, and only the fact the SUV’s dash remained lit up with her name on it let me know she hadn’t cut the call.

“Yes,” was her miserable whisper as she accepted her situation.

“Sweetheart, you and I both know things are dire if you called me. You have to go to the doctor’s... You know you have to. Embarrassing or not.”

“I don’t want to,” came another miserable whisper.

I couldn’t even begin to imagine how an allergic reaction would unfold down there, neither did I want to know, but Inessa was my baby sister. She needed my help, and I couldn’t give it to her. My support, on the other hand, was something I could freely offer.

“I know you don’t,malyshka, but hey, it might bring you closer! You should be able to share anything with the man you care about and who cares about you, shouldn’t you?” And it was evident to anyone with eyes that Eoghan had strong feelings for my sister.

Oddly enough, I wasn’t jealous about that. Just the possessiveness.

I didn’t want to be loved. Love was toxic.

I wanted to be owned. Owners looked after their property.

I just wanted to choose who I belonged to.

“Yes,” she said thickly. “I know you’re right... But it’s so mortifying.”

“I know it is,” I soothed. “But I promise, it’s no worse than how itchy you are.”

Every woman knew how godawful that kind of thing was. Never mind without an allergic reaction ramping things up tenfold.

She sucked in a breath. “The service is over so maybe we can cut out soon.”

“Screw politeness, Inessa,” I grumbled. “What if you go into anaphylactic shock?”

“That would have happened last night,” she replied absently. “But it is bad... Okay. I’ll tell Eoghan.” A groan escaped her. “Thank you, Cammie. I guess I knew I needed to talk to him all along but I’m not sure if I would have.”

“What are big sisters for?” I queried lightly, even if my heart ached for the years we’d lost, the time and the closeness that we’d never been destined to have. Where she only called me when things were bad, not when things were good...

I half-expected her to reply with all the bitterness she felt at my abandonment, but instead, she whispered, “You’re right. They’re for calling with post-depilatory disasters.”

My lips twitched. “Let me know when you’re at the ER?”

“Okay. I-It might take a while. You know how long it is before you get seen.”

I snorted. “Malyshka, if you think Eoghan isn’t about to move heaven and earth for you, you’re crazy.”

A soft laugh tittered down the line, one that told me she knew I was right.

As we parted ways, the ache in my heart was strong.

I was glad for her. Truly, I was. I just...

A sigh rushed from my lips.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I was no beggar, but I’d spend the next few hours riding. That wasn’t much consolation, but it was better than the alternative—spending another moment under the same roof as Svetlana the Slut.