“Yes, I’d prefer your brains not to be splashed over the dining room. She might have made the place look like a casino in Vegas, but I don’t think that would do much for the decor.”

My lips twitched but because I could feel myself getting mad, I knew I had to change the subject before I hightailed it off to the state line—guard be damned. He was both my protection and my jailor, after all.

“As wonderful as it is to hear from you, and to practice French again, why are you calling?”

Inessa and I weren’t exactly close. Victoria had forgiven me for abandoning her, but Inessa hadn’t. I’d barely spoken to her since I’d returned home. I couldn’t blame her, just wished she didn’t blame me.

I’d taken my chance to get out, and I’d been a fool to think anything would change when I returned. But when your haven became your hell, sometimes it was easier to go back to the devil you knew...

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

She cleared her throat, rupturing my thoughts as she admitted, “I’m in Texas.”

“You are? Why?” I sputtered, her revelation filling me with both envy and surprise.

None of us had traveled anywhere other than New York or Moscow.

That was literally it.

We weren’t allowed anywhere else, which was why West Orange, just across the state line in New Jersey, had felt both liberating but as daring as I could brave it.

“For a wedding. An MC wedding. It’s strange. They’re getting married in a kind of garden.”

“Not a church?”

“Well, no. It’s more of a blessing. She’s marrying three men.”

My brows rose. “Three?”

“Yes. It’s... It doesn’t matter.” She sighed, then her voice turned hushed, “Cammie, I’ve done something stupid.”

“Like what?”

“I let Eoghan shave me last night.”

My brows lowered. “Let him shave you? Your legs?”

She hissed under her breath. “No! Between them.”

A smile danced along my lips. “Oh.”

“Yes, oh,” she grumbled.

“What went wrong?” My grin widened. “Assuming something went wrong…?”

“It’s itchy,” was her short reply. “And if you’re laughing, I’ll kill you.”

“I’m not laughing,” I countered, barely managing to hold back a chuckle. “Don’t you have any aloe vera?”

“I’m dressed for a wedding, Cammie. What about that sounds like I’m packing aloe vera?”

“Can’t you go to a drugstore?”

She hissed once more before begrudgingly admitting, “He used his shaving foam... I think I might have had an allergic reaction or something.”

My eyes flared wide. “Are you being serious?”