She didn’t smile, just narrowed her eyes on me, before she leaned into me and rasped, “Is it true?”

“Is what true?”

“Victoria said you told her not to say anything... she said she watched you and Brennan get married today?”

I winced. “Dammit.” Grabbing her hand, I squeezed her fingers and told her, “You mustn’t tell Eoghan. Brennan doesn’t want his brothers to know yet.”

Inessa blinked. “Why not?”

“I don’t know.”

“Is he ashamed of you?”

I snorted. “I don’t think so.”

Uneasiness crossed her expression, and slowly, she turned her hand in mine. “You’ve been riding too much again.”

The statement, as far as I could see, came out of the blue. “What do you mean?”

“I mean your hands are wrecked. I never did understand what happened at those stables to make them like that.”

She tried to flip my fingers around so she could look at my palm, but I resisted. “It can be hard work. I get a lot of blisters,” was all I told her, and I could tell that she believed me.

So, Inessahadnoticed but had mistaken where the scars and cuts came from.

Was that her being naive? Or had everyone else known too and I hadn’t hidden my hands as well as I thought I had?

My younger sister hummed at my reply before she took a sip of her coffee and slouched back in her seat. She wore a bright pink Polo sweater that clung to her curves, and dark navy skinny jeans she paired with a set of gold ballet pumps.

She looked natural and at ease, like she was running errands.

Me, in my evening dress and cashmere jacket, well, I looked as if I was doing the walk of shame hours after I woke up.

“I haven’t told Eoghan,” she said with a sigh.

Relief filled me. “Thank God for that.”

“I don’t understand how any of this happened. Do you even know Brennan?”

“Apparently. I wouldn’t have married him otherwise,” I remarked.

“You were scared about Abramovicz—”

“Yes, wouldn’t you be?” I shook my head. “I knew Father wouldn’t agree to Brennan and me getting together. Why would he waste one of his pawns on the Irish again? He didn’t need to strengthen their alliance, did he? One sacrificial lamb was enough.”

Inessa grimaced. “True. Is that why Brennan didn’t want his family there today?”

“I think so. It’s highly likely Aidan Sr. won’t be thrilled either.”

“I guess... although, he’s not as bad as Father.”

“Words to live up to,” I said dryly, making her laugh.

“You’re not wrong,” she agreed. “He’s... I mean, I won’t lie, he’s a headcase, and he does things that are scary. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s bipolar or something, and the dude seriously needs lithium, but, for all that, he loves his kids.

“It’s weird but true. You’ll see what I mean when it’s time for Sunday lunch. They dote on them, it’s just not a regular way of doting.”

“And what’s that? Wasn’t like we were doted on either.”