I softened at her words, because nothing about her life was normal right now. Hell, it never would be either. Still, she had to know that she couldn’t just leave the house without someone on her.

It had been beyond stupid, more reckless than anything else.

“What if it had been one of theFamiglia?”

She closed her eyes and turned her head away from me. “I get the picture. You don’t have to ram it home.”

“Apparently I do.” I wanted to stride over there, but shaking some sense into her wasn’t going to make shit better. “I’m going to deal with your father.”

When I turned around, she whispered, “Can I watch?”

Despite myself, my lips twitched in amusement. “You’re not ready to see what I’m about to do to him, Inessa. You may think you are, but you’re not.”

I pushed the button, grabbed some keys from their place above a console table, and walked into the elevator the second the doors whirred open. When I turned around, her gaze was fastened on me, and even though she still sported the blush of arousal, and the frown of irritation, the flash of hero worship in her eyes couldn’t be feigned.

The only trouble was, I was no hero.

The doors closed, and the desire to punch something overwhelmed me. Those fucking bruises…

Were they a taunt?

A message?

Or was the prick so stupid that he thought I wouldn’t find out about them?

Whatever the reason behind them, he’d pay.

He’d pay with blood.

Even as I felt torn up inside, I stared impassively at my reflection in the doors before I was let out into the garage.

Heading over to an Aston Martin that Da had bought me for my birthday two years ago, I slipped behind the wheel and thought about my next move, but whichever way I planned it, it would be considered an act of war.

Vasov had only wanted to save face at the wedding, but if I did what the bastard deserved, it would be a declaration.

And while I was okay with that, my family might not be.

Still, I wasn’t going to change my path, but I could alter it.


Rubbing my chin, I reached for my cell and got Declan on the line.


I rolled my eyes. “Since when were you down in the hood?”

A laugh rattled out. “You’d be amazed what you pick up when you hang around with the youth of today—oh, wait, you’d know that.”

“Just know I’m flipping you the bird right now.”

“I’ll bet. I can feel it all the way over here.”

My lips twitched, even though I was still irritated as fuck. “You know what Eagle Eyes is packing right now?”

“The MSG90.”

I crinkled my nose in distaste. “Do we have one in storage?”