It was 3AM, for Pete’s sake, and we both had early wake up calls in the morning.

Like he knew that, he nipped my bottom lip and muttered, “I’ll go put him down.”

My heart thumped as he shuffled our baby into his arms, then once he was off the bed, I watched him move over to the cradle that sat at the opposite end of the bedroom. We’d put a little nesting screen around him because I couldn’t have sex when he was there, watching us, even if he didn’t have a damn clue what we were doing. I actually thought Finn felt the same way, and I was looking forward to the point when I felt comfortable letting Jacob have a nursery.

I was a clingy mom, and I felt no shame in that. None whatsoever.

I knew what was important in this world, and the guys in the other corner were it for me.

When Finn returned, dick swinging, I grinned at him as he climbed back into bed and dragged me into his arms.

“I can ask Lena to watch him tomorrow.”

I felt his attention. “You okay with that?”

It would be his first sleepover, and I was terrified, but I wanted my husband, an orgasm, and a full night’s sleep. In that order.

“I’ll deal.” I cleared my throat. “Plus, if Lena asks to look after him any more times, it’s going to get ugly.”

He snorted. “Baby mad.”

“She’s waited long enough for a grandchild,” I said dryly.

To that, he just let out a long yawn. “Crap, we need to get some sleep then. I refuse to spend the first night he’s away with us sleeping the night through.”

I snorted, but I kind of agreed too, so I rolled onto my side, sighing when he curved behind me, his arm coming over my belly. Sure, I sucked it in a little, but he smacked my hip and grumbled, “Less of that.”

Nose crinkling, I relaxed, then mumbled, “Do you think Inessa really liked me?”

“I do.” He sighed. “She needs a friend, love. Now, go to sleep. I have devious plans for you tomorrow night.”

I grinned at that, and when he fell asleep within seconds, I knew I wouldn’t. I was too nervous. Jen, my best friend, hated reading. She was a math person, and she had her feet firmly on the ground. She didn’t believe in romance, thought it was nonsense, but I loved that stuff.

When I’d seen one of my favorite authors was coming to be in the Big Apple next year, I’d bought myself a ticket and had intended on going alone, but Inessa and I had similar tastes, and I’d steered her to Serena Akeroyd’s backlist. From her Goodreads account, where we were friends now, she was whizzing through the books, so why wouldn’t she want to meet her?

Still, I found it hard making friends, and Inessa had been so watchful at the last Sunday dinner. I couldn’t blame her really. The first real meal with Aidan had gone well, but the second? Sure, they’d met before, but on his home turf? Aidan was a true wild card. And each time she attended, he relaxed more and more, so only Christ knew what could come flying out of his mouth. She’d survived thus far, though, which meant she had staying power.

She’d need it. Not just for what was ahead of us, but the O’Donnelly brothers were teddy bears on a Sunday compared to the bitches who were married to the crew. Well, deadly teddy bears. Shit comparison, but still, on lockdown, she probably wouldn’t have Eoghan…

We both needed to cement a friendship between us.

Though Finn held me close to him, I managed to grab my phone from the nightstand.

Looking at the convention details, I sucked in a breath as I copied the link, pasted it into a message, and typed.

Me:Inessa, I know this might be a bit weird, but I’m going to this convention next year. Would you like to go with me? No worries if you don’t want to, but it would be really cool to go with someone who’d enjoy it too. Hope you’re doing okay, Aoife <3

When I pressed send, I sighed, glad I’d sent it. She was a lot younger than me, but she was sweet, and I liked Eoghan around her. I wanted to be friends because I loved how close-knit the family was, and never wanted the brothers to be torn apart by their women.

Pushing my phone under the pillow, I sighed and settled into my husband’s arms to sleep.

The next morning, I grinned when, upon reaching for my phone, I saw her text.

Inessa:Are you kidding me? I’d love to go! I can’t wait! Just bought a ticket. <3 <3 <3 Thank you for thinking of me!!

“Should I be jealous?” Finn’s amused voice told me he was reading the text over my shoulder.

“She said yes.”

“Of course she did,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to my shoulder. When his hands moved over my body, slipping down between my legs, I tensed a little. Not because I didn’t want him, but because we had to get up, I needed to open the bakery, he had to get to work, but then his fingers started moving, he began teasing me, and I forgot everything else as he muttered thickly, “Just an appetizer to build up to tonight.”

And who was I to protest?