She shivered. “M-Maybe.”


The warning was clear, and I gritted my teeth before I called out, “Five minutes, Ma!”

She grumbled beside my door, “It had better be.”

My mouth twitched in a half smile because she knew me too fucking well.

Inessa flinched, but I didn’t let her move. “You want to be caught, baby? You like that?”

She licked her lips, and the motion had her tongue touching my thumb. “It’s wrong,” she whispered.

“Nothing’s wrong between us,” I countered instantly. “You want it, I want to give it to you. Any way you need it.”

Her hands gripped my waist firmer. “I want to be caught.”

“But you want me to keep you safe,” I countered.

“I know you will.”

That confirmed my suspicions. She was too good, too modest to want to be seen that way. But the idea of it? Got her locked and loaded—and I felt the proof of that on my fingers.

I thought about the terrace outside, a space I rarely used, thought about the fantasy she’d admitted to me, and I thought about her humping the desk in front of that fucker Maxim…

Could she get more perfect for me?

I was a fucking exhibitionist too. Sex was the only way I could ever let loose, and I did so with a bang.

Pushing my forehead against hers, and my dick into her belly, I muttered, “I’ll always keep you safe.”

“I know you will,” she replied calmly, even if it was a little breathless from the feel of my dick, I figured.

“But I’m going to test your boundaries. You good with that?”

Her bottom lip quivered, making me wish I hadn’t moved my hand. “Will it feel good?”

“It’ll feel fucking epic.”

She gulped. “Then I’m good with that.”

I stopped toying with her pussy, and whispered, “Later, I’m going to make you scream.”

“Is that a promise?”

I grinned. “You know it.” Then, I pulled away and tapped her on the ass. “You go get showered.” I sucked my fingers clean as she watched me, loving the taste of her cunt on them, then I wandered to the closet and grabbed some jeans. “I’ll keep Ma away for the moment.”

Inessa swallowed, and it was torture knowing she’d let me pin her up against the wall and fuck her, even if I also knew I couldn’t do that.

Ma wouldn’t allow that.

Climbing into my jeans, I snapped them up over my boner, which fucking hurt, and traipsed out before I let my angelic vixen get the better of me. When I meandered out, my brothers were seated on my sofa, the TV already on, and Da was at the window with the slippers Inessa had bought him on his feet.

“The fuck did you get those?” I grumbled. God, could a man have no privacy?

Da, knowing me too well, peered over his shoulder. “Being a newlywed has made you a dumbass. You got a shoe rack beside the console.”

I blinked. I did?