“Of course.” The morning after she’d told me about her, I’d contacted Conor about the missing sister. Turned out, Vasov had done a killer job of hiding her fucking existence, but my bro had found her.

She nodded. “What did my file say about me?”

“That you had a best friend with a habit of getting you into trouble.”

Her nose crinkled. “That’s it?”

“That’s all you did, wasn’t it?” I questioned curiously.

“Yeah, but…it’s all blamed on Lisandra?”

“She was behind most scenarios—at least, as far as I recall.”

“You know I went shopping with her the other day, don’t you?”

“I surmised you’d shop with her.”

“And you weren’t thinking of, I don’t know, stopping our friendship?”

I snorted. “Why would I?”

“If she’s a bad influence?”

Shaking my head, I muttered, “No influence out there worse than that prick in the hospital bed.”

Of course, it helped that I knew her friend was going to be attending NC State…a few thousand miles distance would help—

Help, what?

My thoughts ground to a halt.

Break the friendship?

I didn’t particularly want that. If anything, I wanted Lisandra to be far away so Inessa didn’t have anything to be jealous of.

I was well aware she was missing out on many things, and I didn’t need it rammed home with her friend inviting her to parties she couldn’t attend.

I wasn’t going to keep her locked up at the apartment—which she didn’t seem to realize, what with all her references to gilded cages—but I did need to assure myself of her safety, especially with the upcoming war. So, I changed the subject back to her sister. “Camille, yes, I did check in on her. She’s been living on the compound of a nearby MC.”

“As their resident slut?”

I shrugged. “To each their own.”

She huffed. “Yeah. She looked real happy back there, didn’t she? All skin and bone. Cammie used to be so curvy… I wonder if she’s sick.”

“I don’t think so. She looked unhappy, and I don’t think it had anything to do with your dad being in a hospital bed.”

“No. She only came back for Vicky. If Father and I have a testy relationship, that’s nothing to him and Cammie.”


“He tried to arrange her marriage to Abramovicz.”

My mouth dropped open. “He’s nearly seventy!”

“I guess life in an MC was preferable to that.”

“And she’d have been safer in a nest of vipers,” I mused.