“Sinners or something. I don’t know. We don’t talk that much.”

“Why not?”

“She knows I’m mad at her.”


“Now who’s asking so many questions?”

“I’m curious. Aren’t I allowed to learn about my new wife and her family?”

I rolled my eyes. “Are you interested?”

“Of course. I want to know everything about you.”

That had me rearing back. “Huh?”

“What?” he countered.

“You didn’t want to know about me before.”

At my remark, he shrugged. “You weren’t interesting before.”

“Now I am?” I sputtered, standing there in socks, shorts, and a sweater, with more bruises than a heavyweight wrestler from the neck up.

I felt anything but interesting.

I felt like a disaster.

“Yes.” He blinked. “Why wouldn’t you be?”

“Because we had sex?”

He snorted. “I’ve had a lot of sex.”

That stung. I mean, I knew that already, but I didn’t need him to tell me that.

Because he’d hurt me, wounding me with his laissez-faire response, I bit off, “And how would you feel if I said that to you?”

His expression darkened. “I’d want to kill whoever touched you.”

“Well, I don’t have that option. I have you and a butcher’s knife close at hand.” I bared my teeth at him. “I dealt with the slut on the first day because I’m not an idiot. Your wunderdick hasn’t made me stupid. I know how this works. Don’t shove my face in it, and I won’t have to shove this knife down your throat.”

His brows lifted at that. “Such violence.”

But he didn’t move away.

Didn’t, by an inch, show that he was discomforted.

If anything, he looked amused. I sniffed at him and turned away, but as my gaze drifted down his body, I happened to notice he had a boner, which made me whip my head around swiftly.

His soft laugh and his arousal confused me. To be honest, what I’d threatened him with confused me.

I knew my place. I did. I was okay with it. But I wasn’t okay with him bringing it up.

I wasn’t violent by nature, but something about the way he’d dismissed what we’d done…it hurt. Especially after the way he’d just considered my feelings like I existed and wasn’t just a walking babymaker.

When he moved behind me, his heat hit me like a furnace. I tensed up, and his hand came to my waist, the other to my arm. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”