To hope that Eoghan came back from wherever the hell he was just in time to see my bruises.

Because although I couldn’t do anything, though I couldn’t nor wouldn’t go to the cops, my husband was a man few would defy.

He’d warned my father.

He’d dislocated his fucking shoulder, and that hadn’t been enough to teach him a lesson.

And call me bloodthirsty, but I couldn’t wait to learn what Eoghan’s second lesson would be…

I said none of that. Instead, I murmured, “I won’t tell him, but if he sees me when he gets back, then I’m okay with that.”

Lisandra frowned. “Why won’t you tell him?”

Because phones had ears…

I cleared my throat. “Don’t worry about it. I need a coffee. A big one. Not that stupid espresso we just had. And then I need to get a new phone.”

She scowled, taken aback by the direction of my thoughts. “We only just got new phones.”

Yeah, and Father had put a tracker on me.

“I want the new rose gold version.”

Like a little magpie, interest flickered in her eyes at the prospect of something shiny.

Amused, I muttered, “Come on. I saw enough to know what I wanted from the catalogue.”

She blinked. “You did?”

“Yeah, you were too busy flirting up a storm—”

“He gave me his number.” She grinned at me. “We’re going on a date this Friday.”

I laughed. “I thought you were off men.”

She sniffed. “I’m off boys. Jack isn’t. He’s a man.”

He was cute, I had to give her that, but a man? No. He wasn’t. I knew what a man looked like, what one felt like, and I knew Jack and Eoghan were like two different species.

The thought made me feel weird.

I’d already compared Eoghan to my father, and Father had been found wanting. In this instance, Jack was found wanting too, even though, just ten days ago, I’d have preferred to be with Jack. Someone simple and bland and easy.

Nothing about Eoghan was easy.

But that didn’t stop me from sending up a silent prayer for him to come home.