My brows lifted at that. “She has an Acuig tattoo?”

“Yeah,” Declan muttered, and somehow, I knew this wasn’t the first time he’d heard about this.

My brow puckered as I tried to figure out what the fuck was with him, then Conor muttered, “Okay, the code is 87745. You need to get in there fast. The main compound will get an alert in three minutes that there’s been an opening in their system.”

“Three minutes?” I grinned. “That’s a fucking lifetime.” Surging up onto my feet, I ran to the entrance, secure in the knowledge that Eoghan and Conor had my back.

It was my place, right at the front of the line, and I owned it.

Inputting the code, I raised my gun, even as I sucked in a quick breath to calm myself, then pushed inside.

Having seen the compound’s interior a few times, thanks to a satellite Conor had hacked once, I knew where I was.

To the right, just across a large, asphalted drive that was lined with crates and trucks that were being loaded up with fuck knew what, I knew the main workforce was on a break.

That was why we were breaching their lines now.

I moved toward the outhouse, aware that the guards here would either be higher or fewer in number, dependent on the threat they believed Eagle Eyes carried.

As I stepped down a gravel-lined path, I pulled a face at the crunch, aware that was probably an early, albeit basic, alarm system.

Within seconds, my fears were realized. But Eoghan was there. Three pops and the guards crumpled. I ran over to one, Declan and Jensen moving to the others. We swept their weapons away, and I grabbed the guy’s earpiece, untucking it from the folds of his suit as quickly as I could, and palming the set of keys he carried too.

With that in place, and hearing nothing untoward as the guards back at HQ bitched about their bosses and how many had already died in the war with the Bratva, I surged forward toward the outhouse.

It was brick built, a little ratty, and tucked into the corner like it was an afterthought, but I knew it was a common place for them to store their dead. Or soon to be dead.

A few more bullets sounded, making me aware that Eoghan had my back. Muttering, “Thanks,deartháir,” I carried on, running with the guard’s AK-47 in my hand as I smashed my back into the side wall. There was a small window, and peering in, I saw it was empty except for Eagle Eyes, who was in the middle of the space.

I wasn’t altogether surprised by the sight of him, even though I knew he was fucked if we didn’t get him help quickly.

“Alert Pritchett,” I muttered, referring to our med guy. “We need the ER set up.”

“Fuck. He’s bad?”

Declan peered through the window. “Shit,” he hissed.

Eagle Eyes was tied to a chair, and his head was pulled back so his face was directly under the lamp overhead. It was close enough that he had to feel the heat from the bulb, but if he could sleep, he was a better man than me.

His mouth and nose were taped up, and there was the tiniest slit for air to get in. And they’d done something to his head to keep it arced back and his eyes wide open.

His body was a mass of blood. It covered him to the point where I didn’t even know where his wounds were.

“Shit,” I grumbled, aware I was going to ruin my favorite fucking boots because there was no fucking way that shit wasn’t about to coat every inch of me.

“We need a vehicle,” Declan stated, and he was right.

“Make it two to be on the safe side, C.”

I moved toward the door, glad I’d grabbed the keys from the guard I’d searched earlier when I found it locked.

The second it was open, Eagle Eyes tensed, and that gave me a clue he was alive.

I’d seen that he was naked from outside, and I really didn’t want to fucking know why that was.

“We’re friends,” I called out softly, running forward to start helping the poor bastard.

A quick scan around told me we were alone, but there were some corpses stacked on top of each other on the floor at the sides.