She was too exhausted to do anything other than release a small whimper before her breathing evened out and she slept.

For once, I did, too.

I didn’t stare up at the ceiling, twiddling my fucking thumbs as I thought about all the shit I hadn’t managed to do today, and all thefuckingshit I had to do tomorrow.

I cocked one leg over hers, and covered her like I was a heavy blanket, my face nuzzled into her throat. And for the first time in years, I slept the whole night through.



It wasthe silence that woke me.

I wasn’t used to it. I don’t think any New Yorker was.

Well, I should correct that by saying anyaverageNew Yorker.

Not only was I on one of the best streets in Hell’s Kitchen, I was about eighty stories up. When I looked out of the window, I couldn’t see anything other than sky and buildings in the distance. The ground was way, way, way down, and peering out the window was enough to make me dizzy.

I wasn’t sure I was surprised to find myself alone this morning.

Had I committed a faux pas by spending the night?

I wasn’t sure. I just knew I’d had no alternative but to pass out last night. He’d given me so many orgasms that I’d had no choice but to sleep.

I mean, sure, I’d used my fingers, and a vibrator. Yeah, I’d thought that was better than a man could give me. But what Finn O’Grady could do with his body, his hands, and his tongue? Jesus Christ. No sex toy could begin to compare.

But oh, my God, I was sore.

Muscles that I’d never even known I possessedached. This was more than just a bone-deep ache, too. It felt like, with each and every step I took, I was ninety years old.

My legs were sore, my thighs felt strained like I’d done a thousand squats. My stomach muscles were tight, and even my back had aches I’d never had before.

If nothing else, Finn O’Grady had given me the best workout ever.

Oh, and don’t forget that he’d probably ruined me for any other man, too.

I should have loathed how he treated me last night. But what had started off rough and harsh had morphed into a bizarre tenderness once he’d realized I was totally new to this. He’d changed then, and I’d loved that even more. The sensitivity of his that came with a bite.

I knew I should scamper out of here, tug on my clothes and get out before he could find me, but I didn’t have it in me to do so. I stood there, naked and unashamed for the first time in my life, and looked out at a view that had to have an eight-figure price tag.

It seemed surreal that I was standing up here, looking down at all the little folk below while I was covered in a lover’s sweat and cum. My legs were stained with my release and his saliva. . . .

God help me, though, I loved it.


I felt so dirty. So deliciously, horrendouslydirty. It was like I’d found my purpose. Like suddenly having good sex made everything make sense.

Thisfeeling was why Jenny walked with a sensual grace after she’d been laid the night before.

This feeling was what made the world go around, and had men and women moving in an infinite, uniquely choreographed dance.

And, God, I wanted more.

I didn’t like the reasons he’d brought me here, but what he’d done after?

I wasn’t about to complain.