He was only saying shit I’d already thought of.

“What made you look?”

“Aoife asked to see if someone she knew was behind the hit and run.”

“Who did she think it was?” Aidan asked, his brow furling in confusion.

I bit off, “Her father.”

“He died. Years back.”

“No. He was her stepfather.” I purposely kept my answer blunt, because I wasn’t about to tell him that Senator Alan Davidson was Aoife’s biological dad. The man was a bastard, but I didn’t intend on burning that bridge. Who knew what might happen a few years down the line? Having a President in my pocket might come in handy.

Aidan ran a hand over his chin. “Why would her father have had her mother killed?”

“It’s a long story, and it’s irrelevant because he didn’t, did he? Michelle’s murderer is in the fucking house next to us.”

“It was an accident.”

Only four words but I heard the warning in them. It was like the low snarl of a lion threatening me with violence if I didn’t back off.

I clenched my jaw and turned my head away.

“Does she know I’m your son now?”


That had me whipping around to face him. “What? You told her?”

“After the accident. It was eating her up inside.” He shrugged. “It gave her closure.”

“She never— I don’t remember her changing toward me.”

Aidan ran a hand over his face. “Said she was glad. That it was just confirmation of what she’d already known—that you’re ours.”

My eyes burned. They fucking stung as tears pricked them.

All these years, all these fucking years, I’d been a part of this family in more ways than I’d even recognized.

“Do the boys know?”

He rasped, “No.”

For some reason, that made me feel better.

“Do you want them to know?”

I rubbed my chin, regretting not having shaved as the stubble brushed my palm.

“Not yet.”

“I understand.” He released a sigh. “They’re going to be mad at me, and I can’t blame them. I cheated on their mother, but it brought us you, so they’ll forgive me soon.”

“Have you really not cheated on her since?”

He snorted. “She’d have cut my balls off with a table knife, Finn. What do you think?”

That was true. Lena was as bloodthirsty as the rest of us.