Closing my eyes, begging for patience, I turned back and murmured, “That’s nobody’s business but hers or mine.” But even as I said it, I was well awarethiswas the reason Aidan had brought me here.

Shit. What had Aoife said?

“Not normal for a Catholic woman not to want a family,” Aidan retorted.

“She’s just been shot up, Da,” Eoghan inserted, and I shot him a grateful look. “In the abdomen. She couldn’t have kids yet if she wanted to.”

“She’s depressed?” Aidan asked, and fuck him, I heard the relief in his voice.

Depression would have Aoife’s unique view of children make some semblance of sense.

Did I lie? Christ. I never lied. But in this instance, it would clear things up sooner…

In the end, I decided I preferred my tongue where it was. “No. She’s fine. She’s just very sore.” I cleared my throat. “Look, we talked about it before we were married. She wants them. The shooting changed shit. You can understand that, right? She’s questioning a lot of things at the moment.”

“Tell her we’d keep your kids safe.”

I had to admit, the ferocity in his voice warmed me. “I know, Aidan. I’m sure she does too.”

He grunted. “Well, as long as you know you can change her mind…”

I snorted. “Would you have me annul the marriage because she won’t give me kids?”

I wanted a family. But only with Aoife. If she wasn’t willing to give me kids, and I couldn’t talk her into it, then I didn’t have the gift of the gab and didn’t deserve a fucking family of my own.

“No, of course not,” he grumbled. “Just wanted you to know the lay of the land.”

I refrained, barely, from rolling my eyes. “Look, I’ll see you later.”

He nodded. “Tell Lena I won’t be coming to the compound tonight.”

“Will do,” I agreed, making a move to leave before he could ask me to stay.

I wanted out of there. Stat. And not just because of the dildo.



“Whatcha doing?”

“Not a lot.” I sighed as I stared up at the ceiling, having plopped my phone on my tits and put the call on speaker. “I’m bored shitless.”

“I wish Icouldbe bored. I’m working so goddamn much, I don’t know whether I’m coming or going.”

I snorted. “You can’t have hooked up in a while then.”

“Bitch!” Jenny retorted, and I laughed.

“You’re only pissed because you know I’m right. Jesus, I know way too much about your sex life, Jen.”

“That’s because I had a sex life to talk about. Now, Mrs. O’Grady, you do too. Spill the beans.”

“Not much sex to be had when you make a skeleton look like it has the fidgets.”

She clucked her tongue. “I know, honey. I meant before.”

“Oh.” My cheeks burned. “Yeah. I told you. He’s awesome in bed.”