My eyes widened. “What the fuck?”

He shrugged. “You liked her before.”

Wanting to strangle him as he talked about my sex life on the side of the goddamn street like we were two girlfriends, I ground out, “I’m married.”

Eoghan pursed his lips. “So? Or are you gonna be like Dad?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I didn’t mean insane,” he said dryly. “I meant possessive. Faithful.”

“That such a hard concept to believe?”

Despite myself, I was fucking furious at the inference I might cheat on Aoife. It wasn’t the first time I’d had looks cast my way when my brothers happened to mention a slut they’d been screwing, but the only pussy I wanted was on lockdown.

In more ways than one.

Tugging at my tie, feeling way too hot under the collar to be dealing with this shit, I watched Eoghan watch me. “What?” I snapped.

“I’m just surprised.”

“Which part of my getting married have you forgotten?”

“Aoife can’t put out,” he stated, like I didn’t already know that. My cock was going to turn blue, never mind my balls.

“Yeah. Trust me. I received that memo.”

“So… why haven’t you gone with Tanya?”

“Because I’m married.”

He smirked at me. “Still can’t say the words, huh?”

“Fuck. You.”

A snicker sounded from his lips, making me want to throat punch the bastard, but that wasn’t going to happen. No one got the drop on Eoghan.

“See, that was so easy for you to say.”

“Fuck off, Eoghan. I don’t have time for this.”

I pushed the buzzer to be let in and thanked God when the door opened. Before I could slam it in his face, Eoghan’s shoe wedged itself in the doorway, and even though I shut it on his foot and he swore under his breath, he followed me in.

It took a lot to embarrass me.

Looking at false cocks wouldn’t have usually, but with Eoghan engaged with my brothers in a group chat about the various models, yeah, I started to feel faintlytickedoff.

I knew it was because it was for Aoife.

They’d never let me hear the end of this shit, but I didn’t want news getting back to her. Not only because she’d think I was joking about our sex life with my brothers, but because she’d turn bright pink if they teased her on this.

“If you say a fucking word to Aoife about this,” I grated with my purchase in hand, “I will put a bullet between your ears. I don’t even care if Aidan Sr. will go ape shit on my ass.”

Eoghan grinned down at the bag. “Thick for her pleasure, huh?”

I elbowed him in the side. “Eoghan. This isn’t a fucking joke.”

His smile was still there, but in his eyes, I saw understanding. “We won’t say anything. To her. To you is another matter entirely.”