“It’s between you and Finn, I’m sure,” was all she said.

Narrowing my eyes at her, I nodded, agreeing with her—itwasbetween Finn and me. Nobody else.

When I caught Mary-Ellen’s eye, I had to hide a smile.

She looked in awe of me, and I realized that most people would have cowered or immediately replied to Lena’s invasive questions.

Well, not me.

Maybe before the shooting, but not after.

Lena wasn’tmymother. Nor was she my damn boss. I’d keep the peace, but I wasn’t about to roll over and play dead for her. Fuck, I wasn’t about to do that for anyone.

Not even Finn.

Before the shooting, I could probably have been considered marshmallow fluff-soft, but after? No way. I’d learned a lesson about life in the mafia and I knew I was going to have to toughen up if I was going to be the wife Finn needed.

I saw how Aidan, in his own way, depended on Lena. I wanted to be that for Finn. I didn’t want to be a drag, didn’t want to weigh him down with crap that just wasn’t important. But to be that, that meant not taking any shit from anyone. Including the man I loved.