He saw it, of course, and pressed his lips to my knuckles once more. “I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, Aoife.”

I looked at him, studied the face of the man I loved, and wondered if I was crazy or just plain stupid.

“You can’t promise me that, Finn,” I rasped out, finding it impossible to keep my tone level.

“No, but I can promise that I’ll kill to keep you safe.”

He meant it too.

Was that supposed to make me happy?

I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t even sure if it worked. Did I feel better for him threatening to kill any dude out there who threatened me?

Because I was literally without words, I just watched him as he kissed my knuckles again before getting to his feet. He retreated to the bathroom, I knew, to escape this conversation, and I studied him as he reached for his razor.

Feeling my eyes grow heavy, I began to relax now that the pain meds were starting to work. Just as he started to shave, the rasp of the razor a pleasant sound that reminded me of an ASMR video I liked watching on YouTube, I heard them.

And just as my heart began to pound, my stomach twisting with nausea, I knew Finn had heard them too as he raced out of the bathroom.

Gun shots.

A lot of them.