“Not until Vasov calls in the morning,” he corrected. “Conor, you’ll secure Finn’s place, right?”

“Sure as shit,” he mumbled. “I fucked up. I’m sorry, guys. I thought my code was untouchable. That’s what you get for being an arrogant shithead. If some piece of crap cartel foot soldier can break through it…” He gritted his teeth. “Once this meeting is finished, I’ll be over there to figure out how he did it.”

I wasn’t about to pile guilt on his shoulders, but I wasn’t going to disagree either.

“You need to check out all our places,” Aidan stated. “Update it all, if you need fucking finger and retina scanners, then we have the money thanks to our boy, Finn.”

“And me, too,” Conor grumbled, and for the first time that evening, I did want to laugh.

“Yeah, he helps,” I joked, and Conor flipped me the bird but grinned good-naturedly. We were a team, and we both knew it.

“Eoghan, I want you on these Bratva packs that are following us around.” He grunted. “It goes against the grain to have security with us. But we don’t have eyes in the back of our goddamn head, and this proves it. Pick some of your men and get them moving in with you.”

My eyes widened at that. “You want us to have live-in bodyguards?”

“Until the threat’s over, yeah. Those Colombians are whack jobs. Only Jesus himself knows what they were going to do today.

“I mean, what they did at the church was crazy enough. To outright declare war on us when we outnumber them three to one?” He shook his head. “Fucking mental, that’s all I can say.”

“More like they have a death wish,” Brennan stated. “They never could get their numbers up around here. In LA, they’re close to King.”

“Yeah, well, this is fucking NYC, not that piece of shit hellhole,” Aidan ground out—he was the kind of guy who’d live and die in the city. He’d never vacationed outside of the state, not even to go to the Old Country. Lena had gone though, mostly with Brennan, to visit family.

I got to my feet before Aidan could get on his high horse about how much of a dump LA was. The man had never been there, so how the fuck he could judge, I had no idea. I wasn’t in the mood to listen, not when he’d said I could go home.

“I’m going back to the compound.”

“Never thought I’d see the day you’d be sleeping there,” Eoghan said with a smirk. “You going there too, Da?”

“What kind of foolish question is that, boy? I go where your mother is. And if you feckers weren’t idiots, you’d get yourself settled down too,” Aidan retorted, sniffing his displeasure at his sons’ intent to remain bachelors forever.

They all rolled their eyes, but I was the one who smirked.

They could have their one-night stands and the whores crawling all over them because of who they were. They thought they knew what sex was?

Until I’d fucked Aoife, I hadn’t realized what good sex even goddamn was. They’d learn one day, and when they fell, I’d be there to laugh as they hit the ground running.

Still, my current need to be with her had nothing to do with sex. I needed to look at her, have her in my line of sight so I could see she was safe. Her safety was my only priority.



I wokeup to the feel of Finn’s hand between my legs.

My breath caught in my throat because it felt like it had been a lifetime since I’d last experienced his touch, and then, it caught again because would he stop if he realized what he was doing?

I thought he was sleeping. Thought it was an involuntary move, but then, I felt it. A slight click and the vibrations hit me.

A squeak escaped my lips but it soon morphed into a groan, and I pressed my face into the pillow to control it—only God knew what the other women in the compound could hear. I hated this place. Had been here a night and a day, and I already wanted to go home.

The bullet vibrator was tucked dead against my clit, and the sensations were marvelous. I couldn’t move, not with the way he was pressed against my back—with my butt in the curve of his body, I couldn’t even move my legs restlessly. He had his arm clamped over my lower torso, and that hand was the one holding the vibrator in place.

“It’s not my cock, sweetheart,” he rasped in my ear, making me wonder if an orgasm was his gift to me, to make being here better. He hadn’t touched me like this before at the penthouse, so there had to be some reason for his abrupt about-face. “I wish it was. I’d love nothing more than to slide right inside you, but I can’t and this will give you some relief.”

